
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李小俞[1] LI Xiao - yu (School of Foreign Languages, Xiangfan University, Xiangyang 441053, China)


出  处:《襄樊大学学报》2017年第3期 74-77,共4页Journal of Xiangfan University

摘  要:日语中的外来语更能以简洁、凝练的词句表达出丰富的情态,具有更加充实及表达效果更完美的语用功能。因应社会进步之需要、开放性文化之需要、经济发展之需要及心理追求之需要,战后大量涌入日本社会的外来语已经成为日语中不可或缺的一部分。随着日本对外交往的不断加深,日语论文题目,外来语还将继续增多,日语论文,El本民族在语言的借用方式上应该坚持科学的态度,有理智地选择使用。Japanese loanwords, the pragmatic functions of which are fuller and are with more perfect expressing effect, can express rich modals with brief and concise words and sentences. The loanwords poured into Japan to meet the need of social progress, cultural openness, economic development and psychological pursuit are an in- dispensable part of Japanese. The loanwords will go on increasing with the deepening of Japanese foreign contact. Japanese should adopt scientific attitude in borrowing, and choose sensibly.
