
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:郭崇[1] Guo Chong ( Department of Japanese,Sias International University of Zhengzhou University,451150,Xinzheng,He’nan,China)


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第19期135-136,共2页

基  金:项目名称:郑州学院西亚斯国际大学2017年度科研经费资助项目,项目编号:2017JGYB06

摘  要:新的历史时期,我国明确将"文化兴国"方针提上日程,并且如今外语教学也迎来了新的转型期,培养目标从对语言能力、语言交际能力的培养转向应用语言进行跨文化交际能力培养,因而外语教学也要与时俱进,将文化教学导入学院外语教学的改革是值得探究的新课题。本文主要从外语教学中文化因素导入的需要、内容和意义等方面进行研讨。In the new historical period,our nation clearly puts forward "Culture Rejuvenation". With the rapid development of economy in recent years, the foreign language teaching has entered a new period,in which the training target changes from language ability and language communicative ability to using language to do an intercultural communication.Therefore, our teaching should keep pace with the times, and it is worth discussing the reform of college foreign language teaching. The present study is meant to discuss the need, content and significance of cultural elements in foreign language teaching.

关 键 词:外语教学 语言知识 文化因素 跨文化交际 

分 类 号:H319.33[语言文字—英语]
