
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:邵艳红[1] 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期37-44,共8页

基  金:2017年度国家社科基金项目“中日两国词汇交流史”的部分成果,项目编号:08BYY076,课题负责人:李运博

摘  要:本文以《明六杂志》(1874-75)为切入口,研讨了明治初期中日两国的语言交流。采用量化统计和实证探讨的措施,对文本中的汉字词做了穷尽性梳理略论,日语论文题目,略论了该杂志在中日词汇交流史上的影响作用。就汉语对日语的作用方面,笔者分别从文章题目、文体、语法、词汇等方面进行了略论。而日语对汉语的作用方面,日语论文,则体现在《明六杂志》在近代新词的创造和传播方面所做出的贡献上。This article takes Meiroku Zasshi (1874-75) as its entry and investigates the cultural communication and evolution between China and Japan during the early years of the Meiji Period. Using a quantitative research method, the author makes a systematic study on the Chinese characters in order to analyze the functions and effect of Meiroku Zasshi in the lexical communication history between China and Japan. The influence of Chinese on Japanese can be reflected in the perspectives of titles, styles, grammar, vocabulary, and so on. As for the influence of Japanese on Chinese, the present study reveals that Meiroku Zasshi made a great contribution to the creation and transmission of some new words.

关 键 词:《明六杂志》 近代新词 日语借词 中日词汇交流 

分 类 号:G633.41[文化科学—教育学]
