作 者:冉光[1] Ran Guang 机构地区:[1]长沙大学外语系,湖南长沙410003 出 处:《科教文汇》2017年第31期137-138,共2页 摘 要:本文主要以形容词为对象,进行情感表述的中日对比探讨。无论是汉语还是日语,都有表述情感的词。在现代日语中,形容词分为感情形容词和属性形容词,而感情形容词又分为感情形容词和感觉形容词。与日语相比,汉语中并没有“感情形容词”、“感情动词”等概念。但在汉语的形容词和动词中有表达感情的词语。汉语中形容词可以通过“很”来修饰后面的宾语。日语中感情形容词的使用有人称上的限制。This article is mainly a comparative study on the emo-tional expression between Chinese and Japanese with adjectives as the objective. There are words expressing emotions in both Chinese and Japanese. In modern Japanese, adjectives are divid-ed into emotional adjectives and attribute adjectives, and emo-tional adjectives are divided into emotional adjectives and feeling adjectives. Compared with Japanese, there is no "emotional ad-jective" and "emotional verb" in Chinese, but there are words ex-pressing emotions in Chinese adjectives and verbs. An adjective can modify the object followed together with "very, quite, and awful, etc." before it in Chinese. The use of emotional adjectives in Japanese could be restricted by the embellished personal pro-noun in Japanese. 关 键 词:形容词 感情动词 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |