作 者:张登美[1] Zhang Dengmei; 机构地区:[1]安徽工商职业大学,安徽合肥231131 出 处:《科教文汇》2017年第25期135-136,共2页 摘 要:「に」和「で」是日语学习中常见的两个助词,在表示时间、地点、原因等语法影响方面学生因分不清二者的用法而极易用错。结合自身教学实践,在此总结「に」和「で」的语法教学要领,通过正误略论对比讲解二者的相似和不同之处。"ni(に)" and "de(で)" are two common auxiliary words in Japanese.Students are usually confused with the two auxiliary words when studying their usages for expressing time,place and reason.Combined with the teaching experience,the usages of "ni(に)" and "de(で)" are summarized in this paper.Moreover,by comparing the right and wrong example sentences,the similarities and differences of the two auxiliary words are also analyzed. 关 键 词:「に」 「で」 日语 误析 分 类 号:H364.1[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |