作 者:罗晓莹[1] LUO Xiao-ying (Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007 ,China) 机构地区:[1]河南师范学院外国语大学,河南新乡453007 出 处:《河南师范学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第2期134-139,共6页Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) 基 金:2017年度河南省教师教育课程改革项目 摘 要:明治中晚期,日本思想文化领域刮起了统一语言的热潮,先后出现了三宅米吉的统一语言论调、冈仓由三郎的标准语论调和上田万年的政治化标准语论调,彼此间相互依赖,日语毕业论文,但在语言统一的措施上、对待方言调查的态度上、以及其论调提出后的社会反响上,三者又不尽相同。其中三宅的观点相对客观、具有人性化,但社会上反映平淡;冈仓树立了语言学范畴的标准语概念,强调通过人为的教育方式推行;上田把标准语与国家民族概念关系起来,日语论文,导致了标准语推行的政治化,迎合了当时日本国家主义高涨的社会情形。In the late of Meiji, there was a crazy argument about unifying language in Japanese culture field ,just as the views of Miyake Yonekichi's unifying language , Okakura Yoshizaburou's standard language and Ueda Kazutoshi's political? standard language, Those were interdependent, but? also not the same in the methods of unifying language, the attitudes to dialect survey, and the social responses. Miyake Yonekichi'view was objective and humanized but has little support. Okakura Yoshizaburou set the concept of standard language in linguistics, and he remained that the way of promoting was education, while Ueda Kazutoshi's view was the political? standard language which linked standard language and the nation. Ueda Kazutoshi'view got great support because of the nationalism rising in such a that time. 关 键 词:标准语 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] |