
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:牛宁[1] 王讴劢[2] NIU Ning,WANG Ou-mai (1.Guangdong Teachers' College of Foreign Language and Arts, Guangzhou, 510640; 2. Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK)

机构地区:[1]广东外语艺术职业大学国际商务系,广东广州 510640 [2]英国伦敦帝国理工大学翻译中心,英国伦敦 SW72AZ

出  处:《广东技术师范大学学报》2017年第5期107-111,共5页Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University

基  金:本文是广东省高等职业技术教育探讨会2017年立项课题《构建以珠三角区域旅游商务活动发展需求为导向的高职院校涉外旅游人才培养创新实践模式》阶段性成果.

摘  要:英国特许语言学会是欧洲最有作用力的专业翻译机构之一,日语毕业论文,CIOL职业翻译资格证书也是欧洲翻译界的最高认证之一。迄今为止。国内翻译界并不了解该组织的宗旨、机制和影响。它在确认译员资格的考核内容、测评标准等方面具有权威性。与国内职业翻译资格证书考试相比较,日语毕业论文,它在译员资格认证方面的影响、特点和优势十分明显.对我国职业翻译资格认证体系以及认证机构的革新和完善有重要的借鉴意义。Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) is one of the most influential professional translation institutes, and its translation qualifications are well recognized in Europe. Hitherto, translation community in China has not been familiar with the purposes, the mechanisms, and the functions of the ognizes the assessments and evaluation criteria of translators and interpreter's CIOL. CIOL is authoritative that recqualifications. Compared with the professional translation qualification tests in China, CIOL clearly has effects, features, advantage of attesting qualified translators and interpreters, and is also an important reference for the advancement of the qualification system for translators and interpreters, and is of great significance in institutional innovations in China.

关 键 词:CIOL IoLET MET 测评标准 

分 类 号:H365.9[语言文字—日语]
