
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:张继彤[1] Zhang Jitong (College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 201793, China)


出  处:《上海理工学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期202-205,共4页Journal of University of Shanghai For Science and Technilogy(Social Science)

摘  要:针对中日同形词“宅急便”,略论研讨其为何没有像其他同形词那样马上被中国人直接接受。“便”、“急便”在词义上两国存在着很大的不同,日语毕业论文,在发音上会使中国人产生不洁的联想。日语的“便”多作后缀,而汉语的“便”多作前缀,这不符合汉语构词方式和言语习惯。略论结果表明,“宅急便”一词要被中国人接受尚需时日。This paper discuss the Chinese-Japanese homograph--"宅争便 (Express Mail)", focusing on the reason why it wasn't accepted by Chinese people so quickly as other Chinese-Japanese homographs were. The Japanese word "便" differs greatly from the words "急便" in their meaning, while their pronunciations often suggest unclean association for Chinese people. "便" is a suffix in Japanese, but a prefix in Chinese. Therefore it does not fit the word formation pattern or speech habit in Chinese. The current research concludes that the term "宅急便 (Express Mail)" will not be accepted by Chinese people within a short period of time.

关 键 词:同形词 宅急便 宅急送 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
