作 者:张升余[1] 张玮屹[1] 机构地区:[1]西安外国语学院 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第5期37-43,共7页 摘 要:喉内鼻音-η在梗摄三、四等字中,为何日文吴音译作-u,而汉音却译作-i,其原因何在?本文通过对汉语梗摄字音的考察,结合日文吴音和汉音资料进行对比,发现梗摄二等字日文吴音和汉音的译音都与宕摄字相同,共同的元音是-a。梗摄三四等字因为介音-i-的存在,吴音将其韵腹译作-ia,韵尾仍然译作-u。相反,汉音将其韵腹译作-e,韵尾译作-i。根据先行探讨的成果,我们从文白异读、其他对音资料的旁证、与蟹摄字音的对照调查、西安方言入声字读音调查等几个方面,论证日文汉音反映的梗摄字音系是七、八世纪唐长安方言音演变而来,即当时梗摄三、四等字韵尾一日消失,日语毕业论文,韵腹演变为-ei。The guttural nasal "/u/" in the Geng She group of the third and fourth grade rhymes is pronounced as "/u/" in the Wu phonological tone of Japanese but "/i/" in the Han phonological tone. What is responsible for the difference.'? This paper examines the pronunciation of the Geng She group in Chinese by contrasting the Japanese Wu phonological tone and Han phonological tone, and concludes that, in Japanese, the transliteration of the Wu phonological tone and Han phonological tone of the Geng She group of the second grade rhymes is the same as that of the Dang She group with the vowel "/aJ". Because of the presence of the medial sound"/i/" in the Geng She group of the third and fourth grade rhymes, the essential vowel is transliterated into "/ia/" and the tail sound is transliterated into "/u/" in the Wu phonological tone. But in the Han phonological tone, the essential vowel is transliterated into "/e/" and the tail sound is transliterated into "/i/". Based on previous studies, the paper investigates the literary and colloquial readings and other available materials of phonetic contrast, compares the sounds of the Geng She and Xie She groups, and analyzes the pronunciation of characters with entering tones in Xi' an Dialect. It aims to prove that the sound system of the Geng She group in the Han phonological tone of Japanese is a result of the evolution of the Chang' an Dialect in the 7th or 8th century Tang Dynasty when the tail vowel "/~/" in the Geng She group of the third and fourth grade rhymes disappeared and the middle evolved to be pronounced as "/el/". 关 键 词:韵尾-η 文白异读 蟹摄字音 入声韵 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文 |