
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:朱艳华[1] 


出  处:《民族语文》2017年第6期55-63,共9页Minority Languages of China

基  金:本文在第九届国际双语学研究会(2017年1月26-28日,泰国清莱)上宣读过.陆俭明先生提出了宝贵的意见,特致谢忱.

摘  要:本文对载瓦语存在动词的类别、语义特征、语法特征进行了系统的略论,并将其与亲属语言进行类型学比较。认为载瓦语的存在动词在语义特征上呈现出互补分布的状态,而决定其分布的要素主要是存在的主体、存在的方位、存在的处所以及存在的方式。存在动词属非动作性动词,日语毕业论文,与动作动词在语法特征上大同小异。指出载瓦语的存在动词与领有动词、处在动词在汉藏语系亲属语言间的分合联系存在类型学上的共性和个性,而且不同的分合联系反映了语言使用者认知方式的异同。This paper presents a systematic analysis on the types, the semantic features, and the grammatical characteristics of the existential verbs in the Zaiwa language, and conducts a typological comparison between them and those in related languages. It argues that there is a complementary distribution of the semantic features of such verbs, and what dominates such distribution is mainly determined by the agent, the position, location and manner of existence. Though such verbs are non-action ones, their grammatical characteristics do not differ too much from the action ones. It is pointed out in the paper that in addition to certain shared typological universals, the existential verbs in some related languages of the Sino-Tibetan family are distinctive in regard to their convergence with or split from possessive verbs and locative verbs, and the difference in such respect reflects native speakers' distinctive cognitive manners.

关 键 词:存在动词 类型学 语义特征 语法特征 亲属语言 分合联系 语言使用者 互补分布 

分 类 号:H364.3[语言文字—日语]
