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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:林韶南[1,2] LIN Shaonan(Foreign Language Institute of Fujian Normal University,Fujian,Fuzhou,350007; Foreign Language Department at Fuqing Branch,Fujian Normal University,Fuqing,Fujian,350300)

机构地区:[1]福建师范学院外国语大学,福建福州350007 [2]福建师范学院福清分校外语系,福建福清350300

出  处:《吉林省教育大学学报:上旬》2017年第12期110-111,共2页

基  金:福建师范学院福清分校社科探讨项目资助(KY2017010)

摘  要:回顾中日同形词先行探讨大致可以从词义与词功能两个方面来看,迄今为止的国内探讨大多仅仅停留在单纯的词义对比、辨析上。本文通过回顾国内中日同形词的先行探讨,强调指出,在对同形词的定义及范围定界的进一步考察的前提下,重点开展同形类义词的探讨。除了在词义与词功能这两方面呈现出异同,中日同形类义词是否也反映出社会文化背景和思维方式差异,还有待进一步考察。Study on Japanese homographs antecedent can be roughly seen from the meaning and function of the word.So far most of the domestic research only stays in pure word comparison and analysis.This paper reviews the previous research of the domestic Sino-Japanese homographs,emphasizes the definition and scope of delimitation to the homonyms for further study,which will be the premise for us to emphasize the study on the homographs.In addition to the differences of the meaning and function of the word,whether the homographs reflect the social and cultural background or the way of thinking waits for further investigation.

关 键 词:中日同形词 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
