[英语论文] 标准英语在英语本土和非本土国家内的变体探讨
Abstract A Global Language seems to have the potential of being an auxiliary mother tongue of all citizens of the world no matter what their primary mother tongue is. This seems to be one of the properties of a global Language. Hence, the...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:140 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 中英文动物习语在中西文化中内涵的异同略论
Abstract Culture and language are inseparable: as a part of the culture, language is not only the carrier and expression form of language, but also the important means to the cultural transmission and inheritance. Idiom is the essence of...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:51 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 新闻听力理解的作用因素略论
Abstract There is no need to surprise at the rapid growth of different types of newspapers, magazines, and English broadcasts. As is universally recognized that besides books, modern English can be covered frequently, conveniently, easily...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:186 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 美国总统就职演说的语言特色略论
Abstract Every four years, American presidential inaugural addresses are the focus of the world. As an important cultural phenomenon in USA, delivering a presidential inaugural address has always a formal and regular way for a president t...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:193 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 以奥巴马在四所学院的演讲为例
Abstract In Lakoffs Metaphors We Live By, he pointed out that metaphors exist not only in our languages but also in our minds, actions and daily life. Conceptual metaphors are closely related to humans cognitions. As one way to recognize...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:84 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从美国刑侦剧《犯罪现场调查》看讯问过程中合作准则的违反
Abstract The interrogation process is a very important component of the judicial life and a central and indispensable part of the criminal investigation. This paper studies interrogation processes selected from the American crime drama te...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:130 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从美国节日文化对中国青年的作用看全球化下中国青年对中国传统节日文化的缺
Abstract With the development of cultural globalization, Western cultures are constantly melting with Chinese cultures. The overall situation of Chinese youth on a festival can be described as A Study of the Booming of Foreign Festivals a...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:61 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 中国大众传媒中的英语外来词
摘要 随着我国目前社会的巨大变化,汉语词汇系统也出现了相应变化。其中活跃在大众媒体当中的语言又是最能体现语言动态的一面镜子,折射出社会经济、文化、教育等诸多方面的...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:87 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 英文征婚广告和中文征婚广告所体现的文化异同
摘要 语言是文化的载体,它不能离开文化而生存;语言同时又可以反映文化。作为一种商务广告文体,征婚广告可以集中地体现一个民族的文化价值观念和时代风尚。它也可以折射出一种...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:114 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 浅论美国文化对中国社会、文化和经济的作用
摘要 美国作为世界第一超级大国,其多元化文化,经济,体育,政治对世有着极其重要的作用。它是一个资本主义国家,它有着来自世界各地不同的居民,它的文化是多元化的。教育...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:149 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从文化价值观对比探讨中美公司管理模式的异同
摘要 人力资源管理和管理决策是公司管理的核心管理内容。因为公司之间的竞争是人才的竞争,现代公司对人才的竞争归根到底也是人力资源的竞争。管理决策的实质深植于文化中,...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:182 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从圣诞节和春节看中西方文化异同
摘 要 在全球化发展的时代,国人乐于接受外来文化的倾向是一致的,舶来品在国内的流行也就特别引人注目,其中,除了外来的消费文化如洋车、洋酒等领导消费新潮流之外,一些洋...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:189 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从价格战角度浅析中国公司海外生存策略
摘要 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,越来越多的中国公司借助全球化的的热潮,开始把自己的产品进行国际化的包装,进而开拓海外市场。日益增多的中国化产品在其他国家开始崭露头...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:192 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从当今美国的社会价值观中看古希腊神话的痕迹
摘要 美国和欧洲大陆虽然相隔甚远,但是殖民扩张,宗教传播等一系列的原因使得美国文化和欧洲文化有一定的相似之处,而古希腊文化又是欧洲文化的开端,因此,探讨美国社会价...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:194 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 分析美国同性恋文化
摘要: 同性恋,本是一种为传统社会所不齿的文化现象,但伴随着西方国家工业化和城市化的实现,迅速蔓延开来。美国社会对待同性恋亚文化,经历了从迫害、漠视到宽容的漫长过...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:196 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从顺应理论角度看模糊语言在商务英语谈判中的运用
摘要: 近年来,随着跨国商务活动的日益频繁,国际商务交际的频率不断提高,商务英语谈判中语言要素的活用成为提高国际商务谈判的有效途径。其中,模糊语言的应用是目前理论...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:73 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 中西方商务宴会礼仪的异同
摘 要: 共享食物历来是人类在各种交往活动中用以表示友谊的基本方式之一。宴会自然就成为接待宾客的一种礼节。随着经济全球化的日益发展紧密,国际间人与人之间的交往日趋频...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:185 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 中国传统节日保护
摘要: 节日问题是近年来国际国内社会普遍关注的问题。我国拥有着很多历史悠久的传统节日,然而,这些节日后所包含的文化内涵,如今却越来越被现代人忽视。特别是在新环境下...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:64 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 模糊语在商务英语信函中的影响
摘要: 语用模糊作为语言的基本特征之一,在语言学领域的探讨中日益受到关注。众所周知,商务英语信函的交流中充满了各种各样的交际意图,一贯要求语言精确严密,清楚易解,...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:162 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 中西方酒文化对比
摘要: 在人们的日常生活中扮演了一个非常重要的角色。在人类的文化历史中,酒不仅仅只是酒,同是也是一种文化的象征。酒文化有着丰富的内涵,包括酒的种类、酒器、酒桌礼仪、...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:177 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 认知感情色彩角度下汉英动物词汇褒贬义对比探讨
摘要: 在汉英语言中,词语的褒贬义是一种普遍存在的现象,而且有些词语本身就具备鲜明的感情色彩,褒贬义的产生主要是受言语活动中所出现的种种因素制约的结果。由于褒贬词...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:73 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 英语双关语的语用略论
Abstract Since the use of puns can bring the rhetorical effect of humor or satire, enhance the richness of the information, and make the language melodious, puns have been frequently used in literature, media and peoples daily talks. This...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:140 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 英语对中文网络语言的作用
Abstract In recent years, foreign languages are gradually melting into Chinese network context. This phenomenon has attracted attentions of a large number of scholars from many fields. Their views on this subject differ greatly mainly bec...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:141 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 英汉委婉语的跨文化对比探讨
Abstract In social communication, we cant get rid of some unpleasant and embarrassing situation because of the different communicative environments and the distinctions in the real life, so people tend to choose an implicative way to expr...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:177 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 试析中外记者招待会中口译者的跨文化意识
Abstract Sino-foreign press conference is one of the most important ways for China to communicate with other foreign countries. However, since China and other foreign countries have many differences in history, values and social customs,...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:92 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 试析美剧《老友记》中的美式幽默
摘要 美剧老友记中的言语幽默,在某种程度上,阻碍了语言学习者有效地去欣赏这部情景喜剧。这篇论文,从合作准则还有会话理论,略论了言语幽默是怎样去轻视这些准则的。同时...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:176 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 美国文化在文化全球化现象中的积极影响
Abstract Since 1990s, cultural globalization has developed for more than 20 years. During a very long time, the United States has led the world as the biggest economy, for which reason it has provided many other countries with experience...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:129 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 从后殖民角度解读《英国病人》
Abstract After the Second World War, the post-colonial phenomenon has become more and more obvious. The English Patient is based on the same-titled novel written by Michael Ondaatje. The analysis of the movie mainly includes the following...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:148 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 中英词汇中隐喻的文化比较探讨
Abstract Metaphor traditionally is regarded as a figure of speech. Yet, according to the cognitive linguistics, metaphor is more of an essential way of thinking than merely a common language phenomenon. In the book Metaphors We Live By, L...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:129 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 通过约翰列侬看垮掉的一代
Abstract John Lennon was one of the most legendary musicians of the 20th century. He came to fame in the 1960sa decade of great social change. No other public figure summed up the youthful rebellion of that era quite so successfully. Mean...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:157 所需金币:免费