
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



关键词:文化价值观, 人力资源管理,管理决策方式, 中美公司

Human resources management and managerial decision-making is the core contents of enterprise management. Because the competition of enterprises is actually the competition of talents. And the competition of modern business enterprises for talents is just the competition of human resource after all. The essence of managerial decision-making lies in culture and is deeply influenced by cultural values. Thus, the differences of cultural values influence the value orientation of managers, and further influence human resource management and managerial decision-making.
Based on the existing literature in human resource management and managerial decision-making, this paper aims to make a comparison of the human resource management and the managerial decision-making style between Chinese and American managers from cultural value dimensions. According to the individualism and power-distance in Hofstede’s (2017) dimensions of culture and the relational orientation in Kluckhohn and Strodbeck’s (1961) classification, there will be the differences of the human resource management and managerial decision-making. This may provide some references for the managerial decision-making of Sino-US joint ventures and also some other joint ventures and multinationals as well.
The findings of the study are: Being influenced by cultural values of collectivism and relational orientation, the nepotism seems to be common in the selection of new employees and the wage system is post-based system in Chinese enterprise. Being influenced by individualism, the employees are highly mobile and the American enterprise can recruit the necessary talent from the active labor market. The wage system in American enterprise is competency-based system. Being influenced by cultural values of Individualism and Power Distance, there are differences of managerial decision-making style between China and America. The Chinese way of decision-making has a slow process and a quick implementation, but the responsibility is not clear. American managers have a more clear responsibility and quick decision-making.

Key words: cultural value, human resource management, managerial decision-making, Chinese and American enterprise
