
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





With China’s accession to the WTO, an increasing number of Chinese enterprises, following the craze of globalization, started to internationalize their products to develop overseas markets. Consequently, a growing number of Chinese products boomed in other countries. But to speak it generally, as the related industries in china are comparatively less advanced when facing those abroad, it is suffering for the Chinese enterprises when competing with those corporations abroad. In order to solve this predicament, the Chinese corporations had changed their survival strategies to cut off the prices due to the lower labor costs and lower raw material costs. This kind of strategy had helped the Chinese enterprises to gain a great success in the overseas marketing. Nevertheless, there are also a few cases of failure due to their improper operation and misjudging of the situation.
This thesis aims to analyze the current situation of Chinese foreign trade and illustrate the merits and demerits it has. Also, the concept of price war will be defined in this paper. What’ more, the price war strategy will be discussed through its application by the Chinese enterprises. In addition, some suggestions will be given to better conduct the foreign trade.

Key words: price war, survival strategy, Chinese enterprises, merits and demerits

1 Introduction
Lao Haibo  had mentioned that after the accession to the WTO, the opening up policy had entered a new stage of development. We are taking a more positive attitude to the world and we had participated in the international economic cooperation in many fields. The report of the Party Congress has set the implementation of the “going out” strategy, the information technology, the western development and the urbanization to further clarify the new century as the nation’s four major strategies. The whole nation has now reached the consensus that it is prominent to accelerate the implementation of ‘going out’ strategy. She also pointed out that the “going out” strategy suited the demand of the upgrading and the adjustment of industry. The “going out” strategy also helps to achieve sustainable economic development as China’s oil, natural gas and many important mineral resources are inadequate. Under the circumstance of the accelerated development of economic globalization, China must learn from the experiences and practices of other countries and endeavor to realize the steady supply of resources. “going out” strategy is to expand exports, to break international trade barriers and to open up international markets. All these indicate the importance and urgency for the Chinese industries to go out for business.
