Abstract 4-5 摘要 6-7 List of Abbreviations 7-8 Table of Contents 8-10 Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 10-13 1.1 Research Background of the Study 10-11 1.2 Significance of the Study 11 1.3 Research Questions 11-12 1.4 Thesis Organization 12-13 Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review 13-27 2.1 Studies on Cohesion 13-18 2.1.1 Notion of Cohesion 13-15 2.1.2 Classifications of Cohesive Devices 15-17 2.1.3 Cohesion and Text Analysis 17-18 2.2 Studies on Cohesion Translation 18-21 2.2.1 Contrastive Textology 18-20 2.2.2 Cohesion Shift 20-21 2.3 Studies on Legislative Texts 21-25 2.3.1 Notion of Legislative Texts 22-24 2.3.2 Cohesion in Legislative Texts 24-25 2.4 Summary of the Literature 25-27 Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework 27-35 3.1 Reference 27-31 3.1.1 Personal Reference 28-29 3.1.2 Demonstrative Reference 29-30 3.1.3 Comparative Reference 30-31 3.2 Substitution and Ellipsis 31-32 3.2.1 Substitution 31 3.2.2 Ellipsis 31-32 3.3 Conjunction 32 3.4 Lexical Cohesion 32-35 3.4.1 Reiteration 33-34 3.4.2 Collocation 34-35 Chapter Ⅳ Research Design 35-40 4.1 Research Methodology 35 4.2 Data Collection 35-36 4.3 Data Analysis and Summary 36-40 Chapter Ⅴ Analysis and Discussion 40-67 5.1 Distribution of Cohesive Devices in CLT and ETV 40-48 5.1.1 Reference 40-44 5.1.2 Substitution and Ellipsis 44-45 5.1.3 Conjunction 45-47 5.1.4 Lexical Cohesion 47-48 5.2 C-E Translation Strategies of Cohesive Devices 48-64 5.2.1 Reference 49-57 5.2.2 Substitution and Ellipsis 57-59 5.2.3 Conjunction 59-62 5.2.4 Lexical Cohesion 62-64 5.3 Summary 64-67 5.3.1 Characteristics of Cohesion in CLT 64-65 5.3.2 C-E Translation Strategies of Cohesive Devices 65-67 Chapter Ⅵ Conclusion 67-69 6.1 Summary of the Major Findings 67-68 6.2 Limitations and Further Research Directions 68-69 Bibliography 69-71 Acknowledgements 71 |