改造开放以来,中国的国力日趋加强。中国在处置国际事务中施展着愈来愈主要的感化。然则,在对外文明流传方面,中国绝关于法国等东方国度略显缺乏。为了推行汉语和流传中汉文化,2004年,全球第一所孔子学院在韩国首尔树立。随后,世界各地纷纭树立孔子学院。截止到2013年,全球已树立四百多所孔子学院,散布在113个国度。孔子学院以传授汉语和流传中汉文化为重要义务,法语论文范文,为增进中外文明沟通交换做出了主要进献。但是,因为起步较晚,成长过快,孔子学院在中汉文化的跨文明流传的进程中仍存在着很多成绩。法语同盟,是一而至力于活着界各地推行法语及流传法国文明的机构.自1883年创立以来,它已有一百多年的汗青。它在法国文明推行方面获得了卓著结果,取得了世界的承认。特别是在中国,法语同盟作为流传法国说话文明的平易近间组织,积极顺应各地的现实情形,赓续立异与成长。它在流传说话文明,增进文明交换等方面积聚了许多的名贵经历,其价值早已获得普遍的承认,为我国正在成长中的孔子学院更好地停止跨文明流传供给了自创。本文将对孔子学院在中国文明的跨文明流传中存在的成绩停止剖析和研究,摸索法语同盟在推行说话与文明方面获得胜利的缘由。最初,针对孔子学院今朝面对的成绩和挑衅,自创法语同盟的胜利经历,笔者力图对孔子学院更好地流传中国文明提出一些建议。 Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China's national strength has been strengthened day by day. China is playing a more and more important role in the international affairs. But, in the spread of foreign civilization, China is absolutely in the eastern countries such as France, a little lack of. In order to promote Chinese and Chinese culture, in 2004, the world's first Kong Zi Institute in Seoul, Korea set up. Subsequently, all around the world to establish Kong Zi college. By the end of 2013, the world has set 400 Kong Zi college, in 113 countries. Kong Zi college to teach Chinese and Chinese culture as an important obligation to promote the exchange of Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and made the main contribution. However, because of late start, the development of the Kong Zi college in the Chinese culture in the process of cross civilization is still a lot of achievements. French Alliance is a force in the world to promote the implementation of French and French culture around the world. Since 1883, it has been more than 100 years of history. It has achieved remarkable results in the implementation of the French civilization and has achieved recognition from the world. Especially in China, the French Alliance as circulated French speaking civilization of the plain near the inter organization, actively adapt to the country of the reality of the situation, ceaseless innovation and growth. It circulated in speaking civilization, enhance cultural exchange and other party has accumulated a lot of valuable experience, its value has already been generally acknowledged, China is growing in the Confucius Institute better stop cross civilization spread provides a reference. This article will analyze and discuss the achievements of Kong Zi college in the cross civilization spread of Chinese civilization, and explore the reasons for the success of the French League in the implementation of speech and civilization. At first, in view of the achievements and challenges faced by Kong Zi college at present, and the successful experience of the French league, the author tries to put forward some suggestions for the better spread of Chinese civilization in Kong Zi college. 目录: 摘要 4 Résumé 5-7 Remerciements 7-10 Introduction 10-14 Chapitre Ⅰ. Les problèmes rencontrés par l’Institut Confucius 14-24 A. L’insuffisance d’auto-développement 14-18 1. Le manque des ressources pédagogiques 14-17 2. L’imperfection des modes de gestion 17-18 B. La pression des doutes venus de toutes parts 18-21 1. Le doute : l’Institut Confucius est un outil de propagande du gouvernement hinois 18-20 2. La préoccupation: l’Institut Confucius menace l’indépendance et la libération de la science 20-21 C. La négligence de la diffusion culturelle 21-24 Chapitre Ⅱ. Les expériences réussies de l’Alliance fran aise en Chine 24-41 A. Les formes d’organisation flexibles 24-31 1. L’établissement apolitique 25-27 2. La variété des modes de coopération 27-31 B. La compétitivité sur le marché de l’enseignement de fran ais 31-36 1. L’offre des cours pratiques et convenables 32-33 2. La diversité des méthodes d’enseignement 33-35 3. La professionnalisation des enseignants 35-36 C. Les divers moyens de diffusion culturelle 36-41 1. L’immersion culturelle dans l’enseignement 36-37 2. Les riches activités culturelles 37-41 Chapitre Ⅲ. L’inspiration de l’Alliance fran aise pour l’Institut Confucius dans la pomotion interculturelle 41-55 A. L’amélioration de l'image de l'Institut Confucius 41-43 B. La promotion du processus de localisation de l’Institut Confucius 43-50 1. Le renforcement de l’exploration de la localisation de l’enseignement de chinois 43-47 2. Le développement de la communication et la coopération avec les autochtones 47-50 C. Le renforcement de la diffusion de la culture chinoise 50-55 1. Nourrir l’amour pour la culture chinoise 50-51 2. Attacher plus d’importance à la diffusion de la culture chinoise 51-52 3. Maintenir la diversité culturelle et réaliser l'intégration culturelle 52-55 Conclusion 55-57 Notes 57-60 Bibliographie 60-62 |