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资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
在古代社会里,法语论文网站,文盲不再是那些不识字的人,而酿成了那些不会进修的人。人们应当学会做人,学会干事,学会配合生涯和学会进修。这篇论文的目标在于造就先生自立进修的才能,由于先生是进修的主体,而进修是一小我平生的事业。对于二外法语的进修,自立进修也是一个主要的主题。然则在二外法语自立进修的理论中还存在着一些妨碍和限制。这篇论文旨在进步中国二外法语的教授教养质量。自立进修这个概念是Henri Holec起首体系地提出的。他以为自立进修就意味着先生对本身的进修担任,掌握本身的进修进程并评价进修质量。国际的学者对于这一成绩的研究开端于上世纪八十年月。他们是经由过程剖析国外对于这一主题的研究结果而停止研究的。面临着赓续进步的职业请求,人们认识到在黉舍里学到的常识远远不敷,要知足时期的需求就要做到毕生进修。我们如今处在一个重生事物层见叠出的时期,关乎中国进步与成长的教导也在改造当中。自立教授教养与传统教授教养存在很年夜分歧自立教授教养不只赞助先生控制常识,也让他们学会自力进修的才能。自立进修的进修办法将先生作为进修的主体,它是为“学”而设置的,而传统的教授教养办法是将常识作为进修的主体,它是为“教”而设置的。与传统的进修办法分歧,自立进修的办法请求先生在自学方面花更多的时光,先生在教室上的讲授变少了。然则,如今中国年夜学中的法语教授教养遵照国度同一的教授教养年夜纲,上课的内容年夜同小异,教材也都是雷同的,所以先生和先生的自立性遭到了很年夜的限制。专家们以为“自我完成”是人类的天性需求。教导的目的就是赞助先生造就幻想而且充足地自我完成。先生的重要义务是明白他们的进修目的,晓得他们该学甚么、该到达甚么目的和如何到达这一目的。我做了一个停止两种平行教授教养的试验分为自立进修教授教养办法和传统的教授教养办法。加入试验的是英语专业二年级的先生。一共有50逻辑学生,我把他们分红两个班。在一个班里停止自立教授教养,另外一个班里停止传统教授教养。在这个试验中,我让先生加入了两次测试一次是前测,法语论文,一次是两个月以后的测试。在前测中,两个班的均匀成就简直持平,然则两个月后的测试中,两个班的均匀成就涌现了很年夜的差别自立进修班的成就好,而传统教授教养班的成就差。我们可以得出如许的结论自立进修是一种有用的进修办法,它比传统教授教养的效力高。跟着自立进修研究的成长,作为重生事物,自立进修中间愈来愈吸引着人们的留意。从世界的角度来看,进修曾经成为一个主要的主题。为了不被时期所镌汰,人们必需毕生进修。所以先生造就先生的自立进修才能和进步他们的综合本质成为紧急义务。我们坚信,在先生和先生的配合尽力下,我们终究会完成自立进修。


In ancient society, illiteracy is those who could not read, and lead those who will not learn. People should learn to behave, learn to learn, learn and learn with the career. The goal of this paper is to make Mr independent learning ability, because Mr is the study subject, and learning is a lifelong career. A French study, independent learning is also a major theme. But in the French independent learning theory also has some obstacles and restrictions. This paper aims to improve the quality of teaching China french. The concept of independent learning is Henri Holec first proposed the system. He thought of independent learning means that Mr. for further education as master their learning process and learning quality evaluation. International scholars on the achievements of the research beginning in the eighty's of the last century. They are through the process of analyzing the foreign research on this topic and the research results. Facing the ceaseless progress of professional requests, people realize that the knowledge learned in school is not enough, to satisfy period needs to achieve lifelong learning. Now we are in a period of new things appear repeatedly, about Chinese growth and progress of teaching in the transformation. There is a big difference from teaching not only sponsor teaching and the traditional sense of self control teaching, but also let them learn self learning ability. Independent learning learning methods will be Mr. as a study subject, and it is set for the "learning", and the traditional method of teaching is common sense as a study subject, and it is set to "teach". The differences with the traditional way of learning, independent learning to spend more time at the request of Mr. self-study, in the classroom teaching, less. However, now in Chinese college French teaching in accordance with the country with a teaching large classes, class content of the eve of the same, teaching materials are the same, so self-reliance and Mr. was very big. The experts think that "self" is the nature of human needs. The purpose is to teach and to create fantasy sponsor enough self completion. An important duty is Mr. understand their learning objectives, they should know what, to what the purpose and how to reach this purpose. I made a stop test of two parallel teaching into independent learning teaching method and traditional teaching method. Join the test is the second grade the students of the English department. A total of 50 students, I put them into two classes. Stop self teaching in a class, another class to stop the traditional teaching. In this experiment, I have joined the two test a pre-test, one is two months after the test. In the pretest, two classes of uniform achievement is almost flat, however, two months after the test, two classes of uniform achievement the emergence of a very big difference between autonomous learning class achievement, and the achievements of the traditional teaching class. We can draw the conclusion that independent learning is a useful way to study it, than the traditional teaching of high potency. Along with the growth of independent learning research, as a new thing, independent learning middle increasingly attracted people's attention. From the perspective of the world, education has become a main theme. In order not to be eliminated during the period, it is necessary to study life. So the comprehensive nature of Mr. Mr. creating autonomous learning ability and improve their urgent duty. We firmly believe that the efforts in coordination and Mr., we will eventually complete independent learning.

