措辞是一门艺术,而在公共场所停止的讲话更是一门精深的技巧。平常生涯中,我们不时刻刻都缺乏不了这类情势的交换。对于外语进修者来讲,除具有根本的辞汇贮备和纯熟地运用语法以外,控制演说的技能和办法,是一个外语优良人才必备的身分和本钱,同时,还有助于本身说话的晋升和精深,从而在剧烈的职业竞争中锋芒毕露,逢迎今朝国际人才市场对宽大法语进修者专业本质的请求。演讲是驯服的艺术,是一种行动智能,绝非简略的说话技能(陈建军,2005:15)。精彩的演讲能感动人,动人至深乃至惹起共识,从而让他人认同您的不雅点和主意,并可以或许支撑您的某些举动。对它的研究不只能进一步懂得"演讲的魅力和特点,并且有助于读者更好地来观赏一篇演讲稿,和进步演讲者本身的说话运用才能。体裁学是一门从说话学的角度研究体裁的实际,所关怀的主要成绩是若何在分歧的场所运用适当的说话。“人们在分歧的场所与分歧的对象讲话时,老是不经意地运用分歧的说话,这类在分歧情况和场所发生的变体就叫作体裁或语体”(王佐良,1987:1)。因而可知,从体裁学动身,对"演讲停止研究是相对可行,而且能到达言必有中的目标。本文经由过程对奥林匹克宣言的个案实例剖析,以此得出法语"演讲的体裁特点。由丁时光仓皇,材料无限,且笔者的研究程度无限,对于这类体裁特点的归结其实不代表法语界对此类语体研究的高程度,本文旨在抛砖引玉,望宽大法语学者来配合商量这一范畴。 Abstract: Language is an art, and stop in public speech is a profound skill. In ordinary life, we have no time to have a lack of exchange of this kind of situation. On foreign language learners are concerned, except for with the basic vocabulary reserve and skillfully applied grammar, control speech skills and methods is necessary for a good foreign language personnel identity and cost, at the same time, also help to speak for itself, promotion and deep, thus in the fierce job competition hard edged, cater to the current international talent market of large French learning professional essence request. Speech is a kind of art, it is a kind of action intelligence, is not easy to talk skills (Chen Jianjun, 2005:15). A wonderful speech can move people, moving to a deep and even cause a consensus, so that others agree with your ideas and ideas, and can support some of your actions. It's not only the study of the charm and characteristics of the speech, and help readers to better appreciate a speech, and improve the speaker's own ability to speak. Genre theory is a study of the genre from the perspective of the practice of the genre, the main results of the care is how to use appropriate speech in different places. "People in different places and different objects, the object of speech, always inadvertently apply the differences, this kind of situation and place in the case of the occurrence of the variant is called the genre or style" (Wang Zuoliang, 1987:1). Thus, from the start of the "speech genre study, research is feasible, and can reach the goal of speak to the purpose. This paper analyzes the case of "Olympic declaration" in the process of the "Olympic declaration", and concludes the style of French speaking. By the rush Ding Shiguang, infinite material. And the author's research level is infinite, on this kind of genre features attributed in fact does not represent the Francophone community style research on such a high degree, this paper aims to initiate, at large French scholars to meet to discuss this category. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Résumé 6-11 Introduction 11-15 Chapitre 1 Presentation de la stylistique et du memoire 15-25 1.1 Situation actuelle et fruit de l'etude sur la stylistique en Chine et l'Etranger 15-20 1.1.1 Developpement de la stylistique en Europe 15-17 1.1.2 Developpement de la stylistique en Chine 17-20 1.2 Methodologie d'analyse adoptee 20-23 1.2.1 Presentation au niveau de la langue 21-22 1.2.2 Analyse sur le contexte 22-23 1.3 Plan du memoire 23-25 Chapitre 2 Presentation au niveau de ia langue 25-68 2.1 Au niveau de la phonetique 26-37 2.1.1 Caracteristiques de la phonetique 27-29 2.1.2 Fonction de la phonetique 29-37 Accent d'intensite 29-32 Intonation 32-34 Pause 34-37 2.2 Au Niveau du mot 37-41 2.2.1 Fonction du mot 37-41 Volume du mot 37-40 Abstrait et concret 40-41 2.2.2 Resume 41 2.3 Au niveau de la grammaire 41-54 2.3.1 Pronoms personnels 41-46 2.3.2 Phrase 46-53 2.3.4 Temps et mode 53-54 2.4 Au niveau des figures 54-68 2.4.1 Figures de la phonetique 54-56 2.4.2 Figures de mots 56-61 2.4.3 Figures de construction 61-68 Chapitre 3 Analyse du contexte dans lequel on adresse la parole 68-74 3.1 Analyse du contexte dans lequel on adresse la parole 68-71 3.2 Signification historique 71-74 Conclusion 74-78 Bibliographie 78-85 Appendice 85-104 Remerciements 104-105 攻读学位期间主要的探讨成果目录 105 |