
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


This article reviews the debate on the performance of Chinese in the ancient Chinese expressions familiar with the expression of the meaning of the verb "to" and "will" in the syntax, semantic differences. Be familiar with the expression of the person that the expression is true to the proposition is the opinion or position that can be sex or certain sex, it is the main component in expression system. In this paper, the syntax and semantics of similar two expression verbs "to, will" as the research object, from the angle of the micro analysis of two expression verbs in the coherent sense of personality and differences. This article first describes the showing familiar expression meaning of "," may emerge sentence, specific analysis of these detailed sentence, and according to the sentence "," expressed the significance, in the familiar manner under the "," to express the meanings of stopped and classification. We found, from the sentence said look down, "to", "will" with a big personality, they can kick now "[body] /) [] /" / "/ [matters]" (such as: you do not listen to advise to repent of. "[]/"), subject to /[] / "matters (such as:" people will die. ) sentences, for details or ordinary discipline sex should be of necessity or to guess; can surge now "[body] / [time] / [matters]" or "[time] / [body] / [matters]" clauses (such as: it's going to rain. ), the significance of the expression of time. Emerge in the above sentence, "to, will" in time all point to the future. At the same time, there are some differences between these two expressions verbs, which emerge in different sentence patterns, and they can be expressed in some special sentences. Based on the classification, we have the basis of ", and the description and verbs ingredients, subject nouns, adverbs, and composition of the co-occurrence restrictions on them are analyzed, not Yacha they in coherent syntactic restrictions on the similarities and differences between, thereby creating them on the nature of the grammatical function of the difference. We found that "to" performance is more familiar with the meaning of the syntactic constraints than the "will". This important said: first of all, and the predicate ingredients have emerged, "to express the static significant, and static verbs, static performance continuous body sign" collocation restrictions, and static end, strong verb collocation frequency is higher than that of free time; secondly, the expression of meaning when "to" relatively free "" restricted, when the sentence that highlights the significance of time the emergence of the Adverb "immediately" or the word "the", the double limit is significant; but "to" the performance of the future time has significant characteristics of the near future; thirdly, in semantic strength. "To be" significantly stronger than the "will", which also limits the "need" and some components, such as the Adverb ", only" at the same time, with the emergence of "to" deny the lack of situation and "V V" is the initial situation; And emotional significance constraints on the "to" is very significant, "to" the object of significant unlucky on the subject, the wording of the semantic bias, which demonstrated the wording of the objectivity of indecent point. In addition, the article also created other talk of the relevant conclusions, trying to comment on the debate "to" express the familiar look and future significance of the approach.

