
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Based on the former researches basically, through the process of the Beijing University of Chinese corpus (CCL) listed in the corpus of modern Chinese and ancient Chinese corpus contents and coherence in the works of the sub representative of the assessment, application of constructivism theory, semantic function grammar and speaking practice, with reference to cognitive linguistics and Grammaticalization. The utilitarian research methods, analysis, several angles with evolution of ancient Chinese verb "to study" from the synchronic, discuss the verb "Lai" features and history of semantic and syntactic functions, in ancient Chinese evolution, and strive to summarize its grammaticalization form and application of cognitive linguistics shows that the actual cause and mechanism of its grammar the. Besides the introduction and conclusion. This paper is divided into into four chapters: Chapter 0: inductive comprehensive introduction of the verb "to" the international research status and the research of important achievements, full text interpretation theory, research approach and data origin. The first chapter is the syntactic and semantic properties of the verb "come to 1": a description of the meaning of the ancient Chinese, the verb "to 1" in the verb "to" in synchronic and three-dimensional syntactic functions and semantic features. Performance [/ displacement reaching meaning of the verb "to 1" can do action verbs, can also make character verb; can show / the space reaching significance, and may display the [/ time reaching] and [mind reaching significance. The second chapter: the syntactic and semantic properties of the verb "come to 2": the syntactic function and semantic feature of the verb "to 2" in ancient chinese. Used in the true meaning of the verb do complement the trend verb "to 2" can used in self move verb trends complement, reaching performance in displacement; and result complement, as the fruit of righteousness; can also be used after the character verb complement, performance of righteousness. "To 2" results complement can used in his move, performance via the displacement approach, or the emergence of new things or results and used in non moving words and expression to finish or complete a move action; can be expressed with results and general results of performance; not only can be used in ordinary type, and can be used to type. In addition, the "V to 2" structure can also show the sense of perception, estimation of meaning. The third chapter auxiliary verb "to 3" and "to 4" of the predicate "to" of the syntax semantic properties: the description of the ancient Chinese in the V/VP before the verb "to 3" and "to 4" in a total of three dimensional syntactic functions and semantic features. Used in front of the V/VP "" can be the verb "to 1" action verbs, and so the auxiliary verb "to 3". Action verbs "to 1" in fact, the strong; auxiliary verb "to 3" meaning emptiness, the target is strong with must be automatic. On behalf of the predicate "to 4" with [pan generation], is divided into two cases, a with automatic and enhance the action of automatic tone; a without automatic. Chapter four of the verb "to" the grammaticalization and cognitive explanation: through process of Chinese historical grammar check, comments debate verb "to" grammaticalization background, process and level, induces the verbs "to" formal syntax; and application of grammaticalization and cognitive learning to speak practical illustration verb "to" evolution forms of motivation and mechanism. In the ancient Chinese verb "come" in all kinds of usage, the real meaning of the verb is external, the character verb by the action verbs through the process of metonymy and metaphor. The tendency verb is changed from the syntax of the verb, and the mechanism of the change is the same as the metonymy and metaphor. VP the former auxiliary verb is to be made by the fact that the verb is objective through the process of grammar. A sector of the predicate verb is composed of VP pre auxiliary verbs, which are implied and implied by the process, and the other part is formed by the prominence and simplification of the people in the process of pragmatics. The grammatical level and general level of the predicate verbs are higher than that of the VP auxiliary verbs, and the grammatical and general level of the former auxiliary verbs and the tendency verbs are higher than those of the VP. The grammatical level and general level of the character verbs are higher than those of the action verbs. Five conclusion: important conclusions and the rest of the theory.

