联系关系生意业务是市场经济成长下的天然产品,它的存在对于节俭两边的生意业务本钱、进步企业的运营效益和市场竞争力、完成公司的全体计谋来讲,法语论文范文,都有着极年夜的利益。但联系关系生意业务又有着避无可避的消极作用:轻则作用正常运营治理和盈利才能,重则掏空企业,使其损失生计才能。是以,对联系关系生意业务停止有用的司法规制是迫在眉睫的,而企业法又是商法中的根本司法,所谓“打蛇打七寸”,在企业法框架内规制联系关系生意业务是最卓有成效的,新修订的企业法弥补了我国企业法立法对联系关系生意业务的立法空白。本文在企业法语境下商量联系关系生意业务的司法规制。第一章经由过程联系关系生意业务的界说和性质来解读“联系关系生意业务”这一概念,从而使读者对于“联系关系生意业务”有一个准确而深入的熟悉。第二章从积极作用和消极作用两个方面,来论述和论证对联系关系生意业务停止司法规制的需要性,引出对联系关系生意业务停止司法规制的思虑。第三章讲述我国对联系关系生意业务的司法规制所必需遵守的一些根本准绳,包含:公正生意业务准绳、信息地下准绳、外部制约准绳、司法救援准绳。第四章引入相干法条来阐述我国企业法对联系关系生意业务的司法规制,可分为直接规制和直接规制。直接规制包含:归纳综合条目,联系关系股东的表决权消除条目,乞贷条目,法语论文范文,表露条目,上市企业自力董事轨制,联系关系董事的表决权消除条目,自我生意业务、竞业制止和企业机遇条目。直接规制包含:股东权力限制条目和企业法人人格否定轨制,股东年夜会决定条目,忠诚责任和勤恳责任,股东代表诉讼轨制,股东直接诉讼轨制。第五章重新旧企业法之比拟、司法说明、改良的假想三个方面来商量我国企业法上联系关系生意业务规制的成长和改良。 Abstract: Business is a natural product of the market economy, it is the existence of the business on both sides of the cost of business, the operating efficiency of the Progressive Corp and the market competitiveness of enterprises, the whole strategy is concerned, there is a great deal of interest. But the negative impact of related business is inevitable: the light will influence the normal operation of governance and profitability, while empty company, so that the loss of livelihood to. It is an urgent matter for the legal system to stop the use of the business. The company law is the fundamental law of the commercial law. The legal framework of the company law is the most effective, the new revised "company law" makes up for the legislation of our country company law. In this paper, we discuss the legal regulation of the relationship between the business and the business of the company in the French context. The first chapter the definition and nature of business relationships through the interpretation of the concept of "business relationship", so as to make the reader about the "business relationship" have an accurate and profound understanding. The second chapter from the positive influence and negative influence on the two aspects, to discuss and demonstrate the relationship between business and business to stop the need to regulate the legal system, and draw on the relationship between business and business to stop the judicial regulation of thinking. The third chapter is about the basic principles that must be followed by the judicial regulations of the business of the relation of the relation of our country, including: the principle of fair trade, the information underground, the external control and the judicial rescue. In the fourth chapter, we introduce the relevant laws and regulations, which can be divided into direct and direct regulation. Direct regulation includes: comprehensive entry, voting related shareholders eliminate entries, loan items, disclosure items, listing Corporation system of independent directors, the directors voting related business, self elimination entry, prohibition and entry opportunities. Direct regulation includes: shareholder power limit entry and disregard of corporate personality system, general meeting decided entry, duty of loyalty and diligence responsibility, the shareholder representative litigation system, the shareholder direct litigation system. The fifth chapter is about the comparison of the old company law, the judicial explanation and the improvement of the three aspects to discuss the growth and the improvement of the company law in our country. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 引言 9-11 一、关联交易的定义和特征 11-14 (一)关联交易的定义 11-12 1、关联方 11 2、关联关系 11-12 (二)关联交易的特征 12-14 1、发生于具有关联关系的特定主体之间 12 2、交易的形式要件隐蔽了实质上的不公平性 12-13 3、交易存在内部利益冲突 13-14 二、对关联交易进行法学规制的必要性 14-18 (一)关联交易的积极作用 14 1、降低市场交易成本、减少交易费用 14 2、形成规模经济、提高市场竞争力 14 3、合理减轻关联方之间的税负 14-15 (二)关联交易的消极作用 15-18 1、削弱关联一方的市场竞争力 15-16 2、致使市场经济的资源配置影响难以发挥 16 3、导致企业的经营业绩评价丧失客观性 16 4、侵害国家、非控制股东和债权人的利益 16-18 三、我国企业法对关联交易进行法学规制的几点考虑 18-21 (一)公平交易 18-19 (二)信息公开 19 (三)内部制约 19-20 (四)司法救济 20-21 四、我国企业法对关联交易的制度规制 21-29 (一)直接规制 21-25 1、概括条款 21-22 2、关联股东的表决权排除条款 22 3、借款禁止条款 22 4、披露条款 22-23 5、上市企业独立董事制度 23-24 6、关联董事的表决权排除条款 24 7、自我交易、竞业禁止和企业机会条款 24-25 (二)间接规制 25-29 1、股东权利限制条款和企业法人人格否认制度 25-26 2、股东大会决议条款 26 3、忠实义务和勤勉义务 26-27 4、股东代表诉讼制度 27-28 5、股东直接诉讼制度 28-29 五、我国企业法上关联交易规制的改进 29-38 (一)企业法 29-33 1、总的变化 29-30 2、具体条文 30-33 (二)司法解释 33-36 1、对股东代表诉讼中持股期间和合计持股的说明 33 2、对股东代表诉讼提起时间的补充 33-34 3、行使知情权的义务——保守商业秘密 34 4、小股东受压榨时的利润分配请求权 34 5、股东代表诉讼中的原告和被告 34 6、股东代表诉讼中企业的诉讼地位 34-35 7、董事会、监事会、董事、监事提起诉讼的处理 35 8、股东代表诉讼中的调解 35 9、股东代表诉讼的胜诉利益处置 35-36 10、申请强制执行和申请再审的权利 36 (三)改进的设想 36-38 结束语 38-39 参考文献 39-41 致谢 41-43 |