
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


The world's first degree was born in the Medieval University of Paris, the degree system is followed four years university college, arts and Sciences, medical school, law school and Seminary growth and gradually formed, and the composition of the Middle Ages the most complete degree rail system. Through thousands of years of growth, the French position system has gradually matured, the French higher education has become one of the flourishing nation in the world. France pure orbital position of analogy and me the quintessence of a rail system started late, there is a degree structure out of balance, degree awarded in excessive concentration and the degree authorization audit mechanism missing, the degree of quality assurance system is lack of social intervention results, serious impact on the China's higher education reform of normal stop check. Degree of rail system in the higher education system, I the quintessence of a rail system in the presence of lack and the French pure orbital position of the profound research to provoke up the pen to me the quintessence of a rail system reform a review. Tomorrow in the growing internationalization of higher education, how to learn from foreign experience, especially from foreign degree rail system looking for valuable own indecent point and in accordance with, in order to set up with Chinese characteristics, adaptation period growth need degree rail system, has been an essential concern in the arguments of this thesis. The application of historical research method on comprehensive combing the French position paths of development and growth of the historical clue on the basis of further from teaching guidance, philosophy, religion, sociology, sweat Seigaku level analysis of the characteristics of French pure a rail system, deeply research the France pure a rail system in the high level education effect and gain or loss; using the compare research method, the degree system of France and Britain and the United States compared. For me the quintessence of a rail system reform to find out a more comprehensive homemade. This paper first thought, the European medieval university was born as a starting point in the system, guild system of medieval knights as the starting point, the world's first Bachelor degree and doctorate studies with profound medieval European University mother "-- Paris University birth occurred, and in the Middle Ages Europe bred from the degree system, and for nearly a thousand years to grow and mature slowly in ancient France to a system analysis, which demonstrates the characteristics of the French system has a religious, centralization and diversity, pointed out that the ancient French rail system has a the degree system of multi-level, multi grade, degree authorization audit and quality control mechanism of dexterity degree is very strong, made at all levels of talent for the society, and the French in the world and in the leading position of higher education has made great Jin xian. Secondly, the through the process of France, Britain, the United States pure orbital position of comparative study, in the analysis of the world higher education category three canonical degree rail system, the advantages and disadvantages of the process that, with our taught system similar to the style of France, the evolution of the degree system transformation for me the quintessence of a rail system more inspired and created. First, the thesis points out the unique characteristics of French pure a rail system to me the quintessence of a rail system reform inspired degree coherent diversity, degree of academic and professional parallel and degree of quality assurance. The internationalization of higher education that followed, the internationalization degree and degree system is an inevitable trend. Under this kind of background, combined with China's realities, superstition and reasonably created advanced foreign experience, ceaseless and perfect our country's degree rail system is our country higher education development and reform needs.

