教材的改造要顺应新课程改造的须要,相符新课程理念的请求,而物理教材是物文科学思惟、迷信常识、迷信办法和迷信品德的载体,它直接决议了向先生教授甚么常识、造就甚么才能和停止甚么思惟教导。展开物理教材构造剖析,有助于懂得其他国度或地域编写教材的初志,有助于懂得国际或国际课程改造的偏向。本论文以法国由Nathan出书社于2010年出书的physique-chimie5e、2007年出书的physique-chimie4e、2008年出书的physique-chimie3e三册初中教材中与物理相干的内容为研究对象,采取文献研究法、内容剖析法等研究办法,起首对法国Nathan版教材的表层构造停止剖析,将其栏目设置及其功效构成微观上的熟悉;其次,深刻略论教材的深层构造,重要包含对常识点构造、试验构造、拓展材料构造、习题构造四部门内容,而且经由过程定量的措施,出现出分歧内容在全套教材中所占比例,发掘教材编写的理念、造就先生的目标等;最初对教材的特色停止梳理并作出评价。 Abstract: The reform of teaching material should conform to the needs of the new curriculum reform and the request of the new curriculum concept, and the physics textbook is the carrier of material science, scientific thinking, scientific knowledge, scientific method and scientific character. The construction of physical teaching material is helpful to understand the beginning of compiling teaching materials in other countries or regions, and it can help to understand the tendency of the reform of international or international curriculum. In this paper, France by Nathan publishing in the 2010 publication of the "physique-chimie5e", "physique-chimie4e", published in 2007 2008 published three volumes of "physique-chimie3e" in the junior middle school textbook and physics relevant content as the research object, uses the literature research method, content analysis and other research methods, the first surface structure on the French Nathan edition analysis of the columns and the effect of composition on the micro well; secondly, a profound analysis of the deep structure of teaching materials, including important point of common sense structure, test structure, expand the material structure and structure of four departments exercise content, and through the method of quantitative, showing the proportion of different content for the whole set of teaching materials. The textbook writing concept and makes Mr target initially on the characteristics of teaching material; carding and evaluation. 目录: 中文摘要 6-7 ABSTRACT 7 1 前言 9-18 1.1 国外物理教材略论近况 9-15 1.1.1 国外物理教材的种类 9-11 1.1.2 国外教材的主要特点 11-15 1.2 探讨内容及措施 15-18 1.2.1 探讨内容 15-16 1.2.2 探讨措施 16-18 2 理论基础 18-21 2.1 相关概念的界定 18-20 2.1.1 教材 18-19 2.1.2 物理教材 19 2.1.3 物理教材略论 19 2.1.4 物理教材结构略论 19-20 2.2 建构主义学习理论基础 20-21 3 法国所选初中物理教材结构略论 21-55 3.1 法国Nathan版初中物理教材的表层结构探讨 21-30 3.1.1 主题的组成 22-24 3.1.2 章的组成 24-26 3.1.3 节的组成 26-30 3.2 法国Nathan版初中物理教材的深层结构探讨 30-55 3.2.1 教材知识点的结构略论 31-39 3.2.2 教材实验的结构略论 39-41 3.2.3 教材拓展材料的结构略论 41-47 3.2.4 教材习题的结构略论 47-55 4 法国所选初中物理教材特点总结 55-65 5 对教材的综合评价 65-69 6 总结 69-70 参考文献 70-72 法国Nahan版教材广度(一级主题)附录 72-90 致谢 90 |