汉字是音、形、义联合的文字,在拼读、识记和书写等方面都存在必定的特别性。汉字的进修进程与英语、法语等拼音文字存在很年夜的差别,对教员和先生而言,汉字都是难点中的难点。随同着“汉语热”和国际汉语推行,海内的对外汉语教导获得了明显的结果。比拟其他国度,法国汉语教授教养成长的速度及获得的造诣特别使人注视。法国的汉语教授教养汗青悠长,成长敏捷,进修者范围增长明显。法国的汉语教授教养积聚了丰硕的经历,法语论文范文,构成了看重汉字教授教养的传统。上世纪八十年月,以白乐桑等为首的汉学家率先提出了“字本位”的汉语教授教养不雅,并编撰了很多教材。他们采取字词离开,由字到词的教授教养办法,凸起了汉字的构词功效。法国的汉字教授教养遵守着“字本位”的教授教养理念,依据汉字运用的频度、构词才能的强弱、外交须要及进修者的特色,本着经济有用的准绳将汉字分红“自动字”和“主动字”,并制订了汉语作为第1、第二和第三外语的难度辨别的五张字表,为法国的汉语教授教养供给了较为明白的指点。法国的中学汉语教授教养是全体汉语教授教养的重点。本文引见了其教授教养年夜纲的研制配景和详细内容,重点对年夜纲中的五张字表停止互相之间和与新HSK1一3级辞汇年夜纲所触及到汉字的比拟剖析,以求更好地为法国汉语教授教养办事。本文还依据对字表的剖析成果,法语论文网站,联合法国粹生的特色,供给必定的参考性的教授教养战略。 Abstract: Chinese characters sound, shape, meaning and character, there are certain special in spelling, writing and recognition etc.. There is a big difference between the learning process of Chinese characters and the English, French, and so on. With "Chinese fever" and the implementation of international Chinese, foreign language teaching at home and has achieved significant results. In other countries, the speed of the development of Chinese teaching in France and the attainment of the attainment of the growth of the country, especially the eyes. French Chinese teaching history is long, grow fast, the scope of the study is obvious. The Chinese teaching of Chinese in France has accumulated rich experience, which forms the traditional Chinese character teaching. In the last century, eighty years, Bai Lesang and other leaders led by the first proposed the "character based" Chinese teaching is not elegant, and compiled a lot of teaching materials. They take words to leave, the word to the word of the teaching method, raised the word formation of Chinese characters. A French professor with parenting Chinese characters "character based" teaching philosophy, based on the application of word frequency, Chinese characters and the weak, and need to foreign learners' characteristics, with economic and useful criterion will Chinese characters "automatic dividend word" and "active character", and made five a list of Chinese as the first, second and the third language difficulty of discrimination, provides a more clear guidance for breeding Chinese professor in france. The French middle school Chinese teaching is the emphasis of the whole Chinese teaching. This paper introduces the teaching outline of the development of large background and details, focusing on the five list in the thesis stop between each other and with the new HSK1 3 words thesis touches a comparative analysis of Chinese characters, in order to better serve for teaching Chinese in france. According to the list of results of the analysis, combined with the characteristics of French students, providing a certain reference of teaching strategy. 目录: 摘要 8-9 Abstract 9 文献综述 11-14 第一章 绪论 14-21 1.1 课题背景 14-15 1.2 选题意义 15-18 1.3 探讨范围 18-19 1.4 写作思路与探讨措施 19-21 1.4.1 写作思路 19-20 1.4.2 探讨措施 20-21 第二章 法国中学汉语教学大纲介绍 21-32 2.1 法国中学汉语教学大纲制定和实施的背景 21-24 2.2 法国中学汉语教学大纲的内容 24-25 2.3 法国的“字本位”的汉语教育理念 25-32 2.3.1 重视字的教学,重视本土教材开发 26-29 2.3.2 对汉字的学习能力分层次:汉字的认知先于读写 29-30 2.3.3 探究符合汉语特点的“标准”与“框架” 30-32 第三章 对五个字表的统计略论 32-61 3.1 横向略论统计情况 32-41 3.1.1 五张字表之间收录字比较 32-34 3.1.2 字频比较 34-36 3.1.3 与新HSK1-3级汉字表的比较 36-41 3.2 纵向略论统计情况 41-58 3.2.1 字音统计 42-51 声母统计 43-44 韵母统计 44-46 声调统计 46-48 音节统计 48-51 3.2.2 字形统计 51-56 笔画统计 52-53 部件统计 53-54 构型统计 54-56 3.2.3 字义统计 56-58 3.3 统计略论汇总 58-61 第四章 基于统计略论提出的汉字教学对策 61-67 4.1 明确教学的重难点,并做到因材施教 61-64 4.2 抓住汉字教学中的支点 64-65 4.3 重视复习 65-66 4.4 充分利用网络资源和现代技术 66-67 第五章 结语 67-69 5.1 基本结论 67 5.2 论文的创新之处 67-68 5.3 论文的局限性 68-69 参考文献 69-72 附录 72-80 附录1 以汉语为第一外语805个“被动字” 72-73 附录2 以汉语为第二外语505个“被动字” 73-74 附录3 以汉语为第二外语大纲355个“主动字” 74 附录4 以汉语为第三外语大纲405个“被动字” 74-75 附录5 以汉语为第三外语大纲255个“主动字” 75 附录6 以汉语为第一、第二、第三外语入门“门槛”部件表 75-79 附录7 新HSK一级词表用字(178个) 79 附录8 新HSK二级新增词表用字(171个) 79 附录9 新HSK三级新增词表用字(274个) 79-80 致谢 80-82 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 82 |