摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-7 Introduction 9-14 Chapter I A Brief Introduction of Deconstruction Theory 14-27 1. Origination and Development of Deconstruction Theory 14-20 2. Literary Application of Deconstruction Theory 20-27 Chapter Ⅱ Deconstruction of the Binary Opposition between the Author and Readers 27-40 1. The Ironic First Person Narrator: a Violation of Traditional Fictional Rules 27-31 2. Multiple Endings: the Postmodernist Openness 31-35 3. A Re-shaping of Fiction and History 35-40 Chapter Ⅲ Deconstruction of Male-centered Speech Right by Female 40-57 1. Women in Victorian Society 40-43 2. Sarah, a Female Product of Masculine Constructions 43-49 3. Sarah, the Embodiment of Evolution and Emancipation 49-57 Chapter Ⅳ Reconstruction: Pursuit of Individual Freedom 57-67 1. Sarah Woodruff: from Self-denial to Self-discovery 57-62 2. Charles Smithson: from Self-ignorance to Self-knowledge 62-67 Conclusion 67-69 Bibliography 69-71 Acknowledgements 71-72 攻读学位期间发表论文以及参加科研情况 72-73 |