自传是一种颇富奇特艺术价值的文类。它具有歌德所说的“半诗半史”的文本特点。进入20世纪,自传文学开端繁华起来,它作为一种广泛的文明人类学景象,吸引着愈来愈多人的眼光。童年是一小我平生中最主要的一个阶段。人在那时刻发生的很多印象,养成的很多习气,都邑根深蒂固地描绘在其人格及气质上,从而作用他的平生。作家在写自传时,是没法超出童年这个阶段的。20世纪法国文学史上有一些作家的自传专门以本身的童年生涯为描述对象。在瓦扬-古久里的笔下,童年的本身是一个“生长中的反动兵士”;萨特把本身描写成“天资聪明的神童”;经由过程浏览萨洛特的自传,可以看到由于夹在怙恃亲仳离后各自树立的新家庭之间,她酿成了一个“敏感执拗的‘孤女’”。固然这三本自传都是作者对童年生涯的回想,然则因为分歧的创作手段,他们笔下的人物也出现出或饱满或隐约的抽象,我们能清楚地看到这些儿童抽象从实际主义向古代主义改变的轨迹。这些古代自传与经典自传在写作目标和手段上曾经有了判然不同的差别,这些著作中的儿童抽象也超出了经典自传所塑造的儿童抽象。由于经典自传的写作目标就是懊悔本身已经犯下的“罪行”,所以个中的儿童抽象年夜多是单一的、“罪行累累”的“坏”小孩。而古代自传中的儿童抽象则由于写作手段的多样化而出现出多元化的面孔。 Abstract: The autobiography is a quite rich peculiar artistic value of the genre. It has the characteristics of the text Gerd said "half half poem history". In twentieth Century, autobiography beginning to flourish, it as a kind of cultural anthropology scene, attracting more and more people's eyes. Childhood is a stage in my life the most important. Occurring at the moment a lot of impression and to develop a lot of habits and cities deeply depicted in his personality and temperament, thus affecting his life. The writer in writing an autobiography, is not beyond this stage of childhood. In twentieth Century France, there were some writers devoted to the autobiography itself is the object description of childhood. In the Wayang - Ko Kuri pen, childhood itself is a "growth in the revolutionary soldier"; Jean Paul Sartre to describe themselves as "gifted" by prodigy; through browsing Nathalie Sarraute's autobiography can see due to the clip in the parents divorce after each set of new family, she creates a "sensitive stubborn 'orphan'". Although three of the memoir is author memories of childhood career. However because of the differences of the means of creation, their characters also appeared or full or faint abstraction, we can clearly see the children abstraction from realism to modernism change trajectory. These ancient autobiography and classic autobiography in the writing goal and means have the difference between disparate, these works of children's abstract also beyond the child image of the shape of the classic autobiography. Due to the classic autobiography is regretted that have committed "crimes", so the children are mostly single and abstract "crimes" and "bad". While the ancient Autobiography of children Abstract due to diversified means of writing and a plurality of faces. 目录: 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 引言 7-10 第1章 20 世纪法国的三部童年自传 10-20 1.1 保尔·瓦扬-古久里和他的童年 10-13 1.2 让·保尔-萨特和他的文字生涯 13-17 1.3 娜塔丽·萨洛特和她的童年 17-20 第2章 三部童年自传中儿童形象的演变 20-28 2.1 儿童形象的区别 20-23 2.2 创作风格的演变 23-28 第3章 三部童年自传中儿童形象演变的意义 28-34 3.1 对经典自传中儿童形象的超越 28-31 3.2 20 世纪儿童自传创作观念的发展与创新 31-34 结语 34-35 注释 35-37 参考文献 37-39 致谢 39-40 攻读硕士学位期间已公开发表的论文 40 |