暗斗后,国际情势产生了深入的变更,美国和法国作为对非洲有主要作用的年夜国,响应地对其非洲政策停止了严重调剂,这一调剂必将对我国与非洲的关系发生新的作用。鉴于此,本文深刻研究了暗斗后美国和法国的对非政策,并在此基本长进行比拟剖析,以期进一步熟悉美国和法国对非洲的政策与理论。本文从引见美法对非政策动手,分离从政治、经济和军事三方面一一停止了剖析(第1、二部门),并在此基本上从国度好处、经济成长和国际身分三方面临其停止了体系的比拟(第三部门)。 全文以马克思辨证唯心主义思惟为指点,以暗斗后美法对非政策的成长为主线,以暗斗后美法对非政策的比拟为偏向,从实际和理论上对其作了尽量详实的剖析。办法论触及比拟剖析、个案研究和图表解释等多种情势。 Abstract: After the cold war, the international situation had a thorough change, the United States and France as to Africa have main influence big country, the response to its Africa policy to stop the serious swap, the swap will relationship of China and Africa have the impact of the new. In view of this, this paper deeply studies the infighting after American and French policy towards Africa, and on this basis comparative analysis, in order to become more familiar with the United States and France to Africa policy and theory. This article from the introduction of the United States and France on the non policy, separation from the political, economic and military one one aspects of the analysis (first, two sectors), and in this basically from the national benefits, economic growth and international identity in three aspects of the system to stop the comparison (the third sector). Full-text by the Marxism dialectical idealism thought as a guide, to infighting after France and the United States policy toward Africa growth as the main line, with infighting after France and the United States policy toward Africa compared to bias, from the theory and the practice of the made as detailed analysis. The methods of comparative analysis, case studies and chart interpretation, etc.. 目录: 引言 16-17 一、 冷战后美国对非洲政策 17-32 (一) 政治:民主人权为先 17-23 (二) 经济:贸易投资为重 23-29 (三) 军事:间接干预为主 29-32 二、 冷战后法国对非洲政策 32-43 (一) 政治:从父子到兄弟 32-35 (二) 经济:从保守到开放 35-38 (三) 军事:从宪兵到伙伴 38-43 三、 冷战后美国和法国对非洲政策比较 43-55 (一) 国家利益的视角 43-48 (二) 经济发展的视野 48-51 (三) 国内因素的考虑 51-55 结束语 55-56 注释 56-59 参考文献 59-61 攻读硕士学位期间已公开发表的论文 61-62 致谢 62 |