
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Beyond the civilization turn is the impact of civilization, in twentieth Century 80 years began to emerge a new kind of civilization research bias, emphasizing the meaning of civilization, not only to trace the history of cause and effect, but the importance of civilization in the history of the role. Lingent is leaving from the angle of civilization, completed the "French Revolution family romance" book. The book appeared in the French revolution ideology formed the image conscious family order tone, Hunter Lin to comment on the relationship between family members for breach, discusses the administration of individual consciousness and concept, to state the mutual metaphor, Chen said the eighteenth Century French as its ruler, father the country is home concept, history shown in the book strange weather, adequate performance of the post-war Eastern civilization historiography is how to deal with the history of Oriental civilization achievements, they are beyond the traditional historiography of civilization, and broke through the focus on research of elite civilized way, more than the transformation of civilization the latest development will undoubtedly help to study the philosophy of civilization is magnanimous, through research and the expansion of the scale of the research methods.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-3  
英文文摘   3-4  
绪论   4-9  
    一、探讨目的与意义   4-5  
    二、文献综述   5-9  
第一章 超越文化转向的理论来源   9-19  
    第一节 弗洛伊德的“家庭罗曼史”理论   9-11  
        一、弗洛伊德“家庭罗曼史”理论的主要内容   9-9  
        二、“家庭罗曼史”理论架构的秩序图像   9-11  
    第二节 吉尔茨的文化人类学理论   11-14  
        一、吉尔茨定义的文化   11-12  
        二、人类学是超越文化转向的重要推动力   12-14  
    第三节 海登.怀特的结构主义理论   14-19  
        一、历史著述理论   15-17  
        二、语言学模式   17-19  
第二章 超越文化转向的主要内容   19-30  
    第一节 从文化转向到超越文化转向   19-21  
        一、传统文化史向新文化史的转向   19-20  
        二、文化转向到超越文化转向   20-21  
    第二节 集体无意识的家庭秩序图像   21-24  
    第三节 家庭成员关系所体现的政治理念   24-30  
        一、父亲地位的泯灭   25-27  
        二、兄弟帮的建立   27-28  
        三、对母亲角色的抨击   28-30  
第三章 阐述林亨特超越文化转向理论的意义与限度   30-38  
    第一节 林亨特超越文化转向理论的意义   30-34  
        一、从“精英文化”到“大众文化   31-32  
        二、体现“人的回归”   32-34  
    第二节 超越文化转向的限度   34-38  
结语   38-40  
参考文献   40-43  
致谢   43  
