
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


In eighteenth Century the French women's clothing to change the diversity, dynamism, fashion has extraordinary splendor. This paper will discuss and analyze the era of the political and economic situation, shape recognition, trial elegant and civilized fusion and clothing and evolution relationship, raised Enlightenment on changes in women's clothing immediate and direct role in promoting. Since the time of the women's clothes on the inheritance of the 17th century, especially Louis XIV of luxurious and elegant and the carry forward of the night light, on the other hand in the plain between near slowly received nutrition of humanism and liberalism, absolutely the past appear out of the more special, changeable and vitality. In particular, the growth of women's clothing, but also as a sign of the beginning of humanism and gender equality. In addition, the relationship between economy and fashion can not be neglected. On the one hand, economic growth and industrial progress in the clothing give birth to, on the other hand, because of the growth of the garment industry, the eighteenth century has also appeared in the of the emerging textile industry, and with coherent belongings, to further promote economic and social progress.


中文摘要   4   Résumé   5-6   Remerciements   6-9   Introduction   9-11   Ⅰ. La Signification du costume et l’industrie textile du XVIII~e siècle   11-21       A. Laction de l’esprit sur la mode   11-12       B. Le contexte européen de l’industrie textile du XVIII~e siècle   12-16       C. Les principales évolutions du costume féminin sous l’influence de l'esprit des Lumières   16-18       D. La tendance du costume masculin par rapport àcelle du costume féminin   18-21   Ⅱ. Le Costume féminin de l’élégance chez les nobles   21-29       A. Les situations générales des femmes pendant la première moitiédu XVIII~e siècle   23-24       B. Les robes volantes   24-26       C. Les robes àpaniers   26-29   Ⅲ. Le Printemps des Lumières et l’embourgeoisement du costume   29-42       A. La robe àla fran?aise, symbole d’expression libre chez les bourgeois   30-32       B. Les modes àl’anglaise   32-36           1. Les modes àl’anglaise inspirées par l’anglomanie   32-35           2. Les modes àl’américaine influencées par la victoire de l’esprit des Lumières en Amérique   35-36       C. La simplicitéde la robe àla veille de la Révolution   36-39       D. Lexotisme au niveau mental qui influence les conceptions du costume   39-42   CONCLUSION   42-44   NOTES   44-46   Bibliographie   46-49  
