
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Since the publication of the French Lieutenant's woman, at home and abroad to study important concentrated in five aspects: narrative art research, energy anatomy of criticism, an existentialist interpretation, after modernism interpretation, social and historical criticism and so on. These studies have received serious results. Because John Fowles in the French Lieutenant's woman, after the application of ancient doctrine discusses skills, application and change with the Victorian novel in some rare characters theme and the works and the Victorian fiction intertextuality research in recent years slowly caused critics attention; especially the French Lieutenant's woman and the d'Urbervilles of Tess of the d'Urbervilles intertextuality research on open up further interpretation of the French Lieutenant's woman has very big inspiration and sponsorship. A parody of John Fowles in the novels of Thomas Hardy the d'Urbervilles of Tess of the d'Urbervilles enhance he on the exploration of the Victorian, vision of the characters can control own destiny, such intertextual relationship the Victorian women abstraction to gain unprecedented bump appears. Tess not only has a period of rest of Vitoria women's traditional virtues, but also the courage to confront the courage of self sacrifice. Sara Vitoria as the period of the traditional moral uprising, longing for beauty and cleverness, actively seeking freedom. Two people are Victorian special women real life mystery seeker, but has a different fate, a social harm to become a comedy and also a seek self-worth into ancient feminist precursor. Anaphora and civilization category within the eco feminism, literature category was born eco feminist literary criticism, to tie the female and save natural for the task, to discuss literature double rule approached, deepen the criticism of the patriarchal text. This article from the eco feminist literary criticism angle set out, take comparison browsing the Tess of the d'Urbervilles and the French Lieutenant's Woman "approach, the comparative analysis of hardy and John Fowles' natural indecent and female indecent, so as to find out their works reminds women and natural close relationship and under the patriarchy and capitalist industrial civilization to extract women's sad fate. This article is composed of three parts. Introduction introduces the influence of Hardy's works of John Fowles's novel creation and the French Lieutenant's woman and the d'Urbervilles of Tess of the d'Urbervilles intertextuality research. The first section introduces the eco feminist literary criticism and theory. The second part through the fate of Tess and natural, Tess's tragic fate, Tess and the natural relationship between the three aspects to the ecofeminist interpretation of Tess of the d'Urbervilles. The fate of the third sector of the French Lieutenant's woman ecofeminist interpretation is through the three aspects of process equivalence to stop Sarah and natural, Sarah myth, Sarah and natural relationship. The conclusion is a summary of the comparison of Hardy and Fowles's natural and feminine.

