法国农业教导是推进法国农业成长,完成法国乡村古代化转型的主要力气。它源起于17、18世纪,在初始阶段,固然有一年夜批仁人志士为推行农业教导而赓续尽力,然则因为纷纷激荡的反动、更迭频仍的政局和动乱不安的社会等,使其成长异常迟缓,乃至一度中止;直到第三共和国时代,法国的农业教导才真正走向正轨,并构成一个完美的教导系统。本文拔取1750年—1848年这一时光段为研究对象,法语论文范文,对这段时光内法国农业教导的鼓起和弯曲的成长过程停止论述,并剖析其得以鼓起的缘由和在成长进程中碰到的障碍身分,以使读者对这段时光内的法国农业教导状态有一个更清晰的熟悉和懂得。本论文由五个部门构成:媒介部门重要论述了本选题的动身点和实际、理论意义,偏重点引见了最近几年来国际外,特别是法国对这一课题的研究情形。第一章论述了法国农业教导涌现的汗青配景和旧轨制下的法国教导状态,并对发蒙活动时代出现出的农业教导实际停止了重点论述,重要包含卢梭、百科全书派和重农学派等的教导实际。第二章重要对1750一1848年间法国农业教导的成长过程分阶段停止引见,详细引见了每一个阶段所采用的办法和所获得的结果,以使读者对其前因后果有一个更清晰的熟悉和掌握。第三章重点剖析了这一段时代法国农业教导成长艰苦迟缓的缘由:缺少强无力的经济支撑,法语论文题目,传统不雅念的限制,动乱不安的情况,宗教品德教导对农业教导的排斥等。文章的最初一章为结语,对这段时代法国农业教导情形停止一个扼要的总结,并依据其成长的经历经验,对我国农业教导的成长提出扶植性的看法。 Abstract: The French agriculture is to promote the teaching of French agriculture growth, the completion of the main strength of the French countryside ancient transformation. It originated in the 17th and 18th centuries, in the initial stage, of course, there are a large number of people with lofty ideals for the implementation to teach agriculture and ceaseless effort, however because have the agitation of the reaction, the change of frequent political turmoil and unrest society etc. the unusually slow growth, and even stop for a period of time; until the Third Republic era, the French agricultural teach really moving towards the right track and constitutes a perfect training system. This article selects the 1750 - 1848, this time as the research object, in this time the French agricultural taught muster and bending of the growth process on and analyze the can muster the reason and encountered in the process of growth obstacle factors, in order to enable the readers in this period of time the French agricultural teach state has a more clear know and are familiar with. This thesis consists of five parts: Important Media Department discussed the topics of the starting point and the practical and theoretical significance, and focus on the introduction in recent years at home and abroad, especially in France on the subject in the study of. The first chapter discusses the French agriculture is taught the emergence of historical background and the old rail system under the French teach state, and the Enlightenment era appear out of the agricultural teaching theory emphasizes the important contains of Rousseau, the Encyclopaedia and physiocracy and actual teachings. In the second chapter, the important of 1750 a 1848 taught in French agriculture in the process of growing stages are introduced, a detailed introduction of the each stage of the method and the obtained results to make the readers have a clearer and more familiar with and master the antecedents and consequences. In the third chapter, the author analyzes the era of French agriculture teach growth retardation hard reason: lack of powerful economic support, the traditional concept of limit and unrest, religious and moral teaching to teach agriculture of rejection. The first chapter is the conclusion of this period of time, the French agriculture taught a brief summary of the situation to stop, and on the basis of the experience of growing up experience, put forward constructive views on China's agricultural education development. 目录: 摘要 3-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 引言 9-17 第一章 法国农业教育的理论准备 17-31 1.1 法国农业教育理论兴起的背景 17-24 1.1.1 旧制度下的教育近况 18-21 1.1.2 近代的思想解放运动 21-24 1.2 法国农业教育的理论准备 24-31 1.2.1 百科全书派的农业教育思想 24-26 1.2.2 卢梭的农业教育思想 26-29 1.2.3 重农学派的农业教育思想 29-31 第二章 法国农业教育的艰难发展之(1750-1848) 31-59 2.1 旧制度时期昙花一现的创举(1750-1789) 31-34 2.2 动荡时期农业教育的艰难发展(1789-1814) 34-49 2.2.1 大革命时期农业教育发展状况 35-45 2.2.2 执政府和帝国时期:零星的方法 45-49 2.3. 国家开始插手农业教育(1814-1848) 49-59 2.3.1 复辟时期农业教育发展情况 49-53 2.3.2 七月王朝时期农业教育的发展情况 53-59 第三章 法国农业教育发展缓慢的原因略论 59-71 3.1 缺乏强有力的经济支持,是阻碍农业教育发展的根本原因 59-62 3.1.1 国家在农业教育发展过程中的缺席 60-61 3.1.2 在农业教育发展过程中起主导影响的富有地主力量单薄 61 3.1.3 农民本身的贫穷 61-62 3.2 陈旧的思想观念是阻碍农业教育发展的内在原因 62-67 3.2.1 对农业职业的偏见 62-63 3.2.2 农民的“教育无用论” 63-64 3.2.3 有识之士的农民教育威胁论 64-67 3.3 动荡不安的环境是阻碍农业教育发展的外因 67-68 3.4 宗教团体对教育的控制是阻碍农业教育发展的重要因素 68-71 结语 71-73 参考文献 73-77 致谢 77-78 |