
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09

  To be a matter of fact, all of these functions are closely related with and impact on each other. That is to say, a prefect guide interpretation must be provided with informative function, attractive function and persuasive function .

  3.3.2 Language characters of C-E Guide Interpretation

  In terms of the acceptability of the overseas visitors of various backgrounds, the language in guide interpretation should be neither colloquial nor too formal. The words used in it had better to be brief and vivid. Generally speaking, a prominent guide interpretation must be concise, appealing and often figurative .


  English stress conciseness and directness. So a qualified interpreter should bear this feature in mind in the process of interpreting and try to provide the concise and precise works for visitors.

  Example 1:

  Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl   necklace. Hunks of coral reed, coconut palms and fine white sand.

  In English, the beauty was be descript by actual sceneries just as a photo taken by a camera. However, in Chinese we usually use abstract words to descript the scenery. The relevant Chinese version is as follows




  2). Appealingness

  Without appealing scenic description and historical introduction, visitors‘ passion cannot be aroused easily. Without their excitement and interest, China would not leave a great impression in their minds. So appealingness serves as the hinge in guide interpretation since the vivid description of scenery and the fascinating narration of mysterious culture help to enchant the oversea visitors.

  3). Figurative Language

  Tourists’ imagination of Chinese landscape and culture is enriched by various rhetoric devices like simile, metaphor, alliteration, etc. The figure of speech could make the scenic description particularly vivid and attractive .

  Ⅳ Functionalist Translation Theory applied in Guide Interpretation

  4.1 Skopos Theory applied in Guide Interpretation

  Since the translation strategy is determined by purpose, Vermeer summarizes three possible kinds of purpose: the translator‘s general purpose (perhaps "to earn a living"); the communicative purpose of the target text (perhaps "to instruct the reader"); the purpose aimed at by a particular translation strategy or procedure (for example, "to translate literally in order to show the structural features of the source language"

  As far as the purpose of guide interpretation, it usually refers to the second purpose, communicative purpose of the target text. The purpose of guide interpretation concerns introducing Chinese places of interest and Chinese unique culture to the outside world and make oversea visitors‘ feel valuable to tour China, by which the interpretation strategies for guide interpretation are determined.

  Therefore, considering the acceptability of the target readers, the purpose of guide interpretation demands intelligible and flexible translation strategies.

  4.2 Text Typology applied in Guide Interpretation

  With Newmark’s theory, the text can be classified into three types: informative, expressive and vocative. However, Newmark also indicates that there are no strict boundaries between these three kinds of texts. So, before we look for the appropriate strategies for guide interpretation, let us look at which kind does it belong to. Firstly, guide-interpretation provide tourist information about travel, meanwhile, the vivid introduction is designed to arouse the curiosity of visitors, which is the essential purpose for tour guide. In this instance, the guide-interpretation is the combination of informative and vocative one in terms of its major functions, which should be taken into consideration before we determine the translation strategies.

