
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09

  论文关键词:功能论  导游词  中法  翻译策略

  论文摘要:随着成功举办第29奥林匹克运动会,中国作为新崛起的大国在世界舞台上扮演着更加重要的角色,使得来华旅游人数的不断攀升,中国的旅游业也在飞速发展着。导游,将肩负起比以往更加艰巨的职责,要把景点的奇美之所在,文化的精妙之处精准地传达介绍给来华游客。导游口译,作为专业领域的翻译,亟需有效的翻译理论指导并提供相应的汉法翻译策略以克服其翻译障碍。本文旨在引进德国的功能派翻译理论对导游词汉法翻译的策略导向进行阐述, 以导游词翻译近况为切入点,法语论文,涉及纽马克的文本功能分类说以及费米尔的翻译目的论, 简述导游词翻译的语言特征。继而从导游词翻译中所存在的翻译障碍出发,法语论文范文,详释产生障碍的原因和中法语言在表现形式的不同点并引用一些导游口译中汉法翻译的实例,通过不同翻译措施的对比略论,提出在处理导游词汉法翻译过程中所需要应用的策略,以此实现在功能派翻译理论指导下进行导游词汉法翻译方面的无与伦比的意义。


  With the development of society and economy, tourism, a smokeless industry, has become an important industry with a rapidly growth rate on a global scale. After the success of holding the 29th Olympic games this autumn, thousands of millions of overseas visitors, who are eager to touch this old mysterious nation with a resplendent culture of more 5000 years , are thronging into our country. By the end of 2007,the number of the foreign tourists has reached 50 million, a rapid growth of 19 percent compared with the previous year①.In a word, tourist industry is now the backbone of China’s economy growth. Currently, China has ranked as the 5th inbound tourist market following U.S, Spain , France and Italy②. It is estimated that China will win the priority of destination for tourism and sightseeing in the worldwide till 2020③.

  China, a enormous land abundant in sightseeing resources, has ranked high all over the word for its spectacular natural wonders and mysterious heritages. Tourists can climb the Great Wall ,look around the Imperial Palace in Beijing, wander over the bustling Bund and Nanjing Road in Shanghai, boat along the Qinghuai River in Nanjing, view the terracotta warriors and horses excavated from the Emperor Qinshihuang ‘s Mausoleum in Xi’an, enjoy Suzhou‘s gardens and the West Lake in Hangzhou. From everywhere in China can visitors be intoxicated with the beautiful sceneries.

  Tourism brings China a great deal of profits. First, it provides more opportunities for Chinese people to know the international world and promote friendship and understanding. Second, it brings financially benefits and increase the income of government .Meanwhile ,it creates the need to communicate with different with different tongues. Under such circumstances that guide-interpretation has grow up and been authorized as a profession⑴.

  Guide-interpretation, the process of intercultural communications, happens while guides introduce historical interests and scenic beauties to overseas visitors. The guides need to present the colorful and attractive image of interests of China in the process of guide-interpretation. But for different cultural backgrounds and customs, it is very difficult for the guide to translate his interpretation into English literally owing to the negative effect exerted by different linguistic obstacles. Without veracious and accurate guide interpretation , overseas visitors may miss essence of culture when they are traveling around China let alone enjoy their journeys.

  So, it really has been a serious problem that we must confront, and it is also a problem of urgency how to introduce our unique Chinese sightseeing sceneries more properly and exactly and promote the inter-culture communication.

  As a result, a systematic and effective guide theory is the imperious demand of guide interpretation. As we have always regarded “combing practice with theory”, the theory must provide appropriate strategies for successful guide-interpreting .So I’d like to write such a dissertation to argue something about guide-guiding form the aspect of German functionalist translation theory, which can help us to handle interpreting methodologically.

  This thesis will narrow down its scope merely on guide-interpreting on C-E, and most samples are gathered from authoritative bilingual books,websites, newspapers ,which will be listed at the last page of my part .

  Ⅱ Functionalist Translation Theory

  Functionalist translation theory, a relatively systematic and consummate theory, is the crystallization of wisdom of scholars in long period of human history.I’d like to present a more concentrate and detailed  elucidation its features as follows⑶27:

  2.1 Development of German Functionalist Translation Theory
