摘 要:二外法语教学重语法等基础知识的传授,轻听说能力的培养是一直以来都存在的问题,现在到了必须要加以改革的时候了,因为这和国际上外语教学的发展趋势是相违背的。而且语言学的功能主义为以听说为目的的教学理念提供了理论依据,学生就业的要求也使得这一改革在目前的形势下显得尤为迫切。It has been a long-time problem that more emphasis is laid on basic knowledge such as grammar teaching than on listening and speaking ability in French teaching as a second foreign language. It is the critical moment now to reform as it violates the principle of the international development trend of foreign language teaching. What's more, on one hand, functional linguistics provides a theoretical basis for the purpose of listening and speaking teaching philosophy. On the other hand, the requirement of the students' employment also makes the reform in current situation particularly urgent.,法语论文,法语毕业论文 |