
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:本文从语段的角度对法语动词复合时态句的助动词选择进行解释,提出论元结构的完整性与助动词的选择存在相关性,动词是否具有外论元对助动词选择和过去分词一致关系起关键影响。当动词带有外论元时,其轻动词投射具有及物性,构成语段(v*P),须选择助动词avoir。该类动词在语段形成后,v*P语段中心语的补足语部分,即动词过去分词和内论元被移交到语义和语音部门,过去分词不需要与其他成分形成一致关系。当动词不带外论元时,其轻动词投射(v P)具有不及物性,不构成语段,复合时态的助动词选être。此时的动词内论元逐步移位至Spec-T位置并取值主格,并给φ特征不完备的T和过去分词赋值,因此过去分词与主语形成一致关系。This paper provides a phase-based account of the auxiliary selection in French complex tense sentences. It proposes that there is a correlation between completeness of argument structure and auxiliary selection and the external argument plays a key role in auxiliary selection and past participle agreement. With an external argument,the light verb projection is transitive and constitutes a phase( v*P),typically selecting the auxiliary‘avoir'. The complement of v*P head is transferred to the semantic and phonological components for processing and is no longer visible in the syntax,therefore the past participle remains unchanged. Without an external argument,the light verb projection( v P) is intransitive and does not constitute a phase,and the auxiliary ‘être'is selected. In order to value the uninterpretable features on both the probe and goal,the internal argument goal has to move to the Spec-v then to Spec-T. The unvalued features of T are deleted in the course of the derivation via agreement between the specifier and the head and the φ features of past participle form an agreement with the sentence subject.
