
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:每种语言的形成和发展都与其文化紧密相连。随着社会需求的改变,大学法语教学面临着深入改革和进一步发展的挑战与机遇。通过略论二外法语教学的近况,本文指出了教学改革的必要性。在阐明中法、英法的文化共性与差别后,本文列举了四种文化导入方式,以提升教学效果。The formation and development of each language are deeply rooted in its culture. As the social needs change, college French teaching is confronted with a far-reaching reform and the challenges as well as opportunities for a further development. By analyzing the present situation of the teaching of French as a second foreign language, the article points out the necessity of teaching reform. After illustrating some cultural similarities and differences between Chinese and French, English and French, it enumerates four methods of cultural introduction in order to improve teaching effectiveness.
