
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:基于社会认知理论的外语教学理论目前是我国外语界比较热门的外语教育理论。社会认知理论为我国外语学习者的学习过程、学习动机、学习策略、社会文化环境等因素探讨建立了理论基石,也为建构我国本土外语教学理论和教学实践提供了有利的理论支持。本文介绍了社会认知理论的概念,并研讨了社会认知理论对我国大学法语教学的启示——加强课堂教学改革、注重交际能力培养和提高跨文化意识。Foreign language teaching theory based on social cognitive theory is now a popular foreign language teaching theory in foreign language education in China. Social cognitive theory established a theoretical foundation of learning process, learning motivation, learning strategies, social and cultural environment and other factors for Chinese foreign language learners, but also provided a favorable theoretical support for construction of local language teaching theory and teaching practice. This paper introduces the concept of social cognitive theory and college French teaching in social cognitive perspective. Social Cognitive Theory on the college French teaching includes the following aspects: strengthen reform in class in college French teaching, focus on communication competence in college French teaching and improve cross--cultural awareness in college French teaching. Finally, we should do systematically long --term empirical research on Chinese college French teaching to provide data for further reform of the theoretical orientation and teaching principles.
