摘 要:"123"人才培养模式是针对高职高专运用法语系开发的一种人才培养模式,即一种语言基础、两类职业能力、三个主要就业方向。这种模式的关键在于将培养目标适切定位为具有良好职业能力的运用型法语人才;专业口径宽窄适度;课程设计以学生为中心,兼具职业发展型与职业群集型课程模式的特点;培养途径注重产学结合;注重构建双师型教师队伍。123 talent cultivation mode is aimed at the talent development of French major in higher vocational college, which can be interpreted as one language basis, two vocational capabilities, and three potential employments. This mode demands the educational institutes to design student-centered program, feature in both specified and fundamental career subjects, and focus on the combination of production and learning.,法语论文范文,法语论文 |