
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



As the main component of pragmatics, the speech act of action has grown from 80 years in the last century to the beginning of the last century. At present, scholars have given great attention to the combination of speech act theory and practice. And this has become the trend of the actual growth of the speech act. The main content of this paper is to study the pragmatic study of the speech act of complaint. This paper consists of four chapters: the introduction, the annotation department, the conclusion and the reference: the media: in this section, the actual framework, the literature review, the article has made the brief elaboration. Chapter one: this chapter is the basic of the whole paper. In this chapter, we explain the actual. The second chapter: the classification and expression of the speech act of complaint. This chapter is an important part of this paper. Complain about verbal action is divided into direct and direct blame. Complain about speaking directly repeatedly, wrist wrist blame stress, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence, sentence emotion and blame expression. In addition, this chapter also discusses the relationship between speech act and politeness. The third chapter: the social gender study of the speech act of complaining. This is the new point of this article, Wen Ping analyzed the differences between men and women in action to express the complaint. The fourth chapter: the speaker's response to the speaker's complaint. This chapter is an important part of this chapter: the response of the person who is receiving the complaint and the response to the direct complaint. Conclusion: a brief summary of the full text.


Слово благодарности   4-5   Реферат   5-6   摘要   6   Введение   9-11   Глава 1 Жалобакакречевойакт   11-17       1.1 Понятиеречевогоакта   11-12       1.2 алобакакречевойакт   12-17   Глава 2 Классификацияречевогоактажалобы иязыковыесредстваеговыражения   17-29       2.1 Речевойактпрямойжалобы   17-19       2.2 Речевойакткосвеннойжалобы   19-21       2.3 Языковыесредствавыраженияречевогоактажалобы   21-25           2.3.1 Повтор   21           2.3.2 Интонация   21-22           2.3.3 Вопросительноепредложение   22-23           2.3.4 Побудительноепредложение   23           2.3.5 Восклицательноепредложение   23-24           2.3.6 Косвенныеспособывыраженияжалобы   24-25       2.4 РечевойактжалобыивежливостьГлава 3 Гендерныйанализречевогоактажалобы   25-29   Глава 3 Гендерный анализ речевого акта жалобы   29-37       3.1 Гендерныеисследования   29-31       3.2 Гендерныйподходкречувомуактужалобы   31-37           3.2.1 Лингвистическаягендерология   31-34           3.2.2 Различиявупотребленииречевогоактажалобымеждумужчинамииженщинами   34-37   Глава 4 Откликадресатанаречевойактжалобыговорящего   37-42       4.1 Перлокутивныйакт   37-38       4.2 Откликадресатанаречевойактпрямойжалобы   38-40       4.3 Откликадресатанаречевойакткосвеннойжалобы   40-42   Заключение   42-43   Литература   43-46  
