
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



". and to me, Liapunov's pgfla by me." (listen) the term since 1964 have sprung up since the will in the modern teaching method works won the widespread application. From the point of view of psychology, "listen" is a complex process, not only contains the psychological sense of the process of listening, and also contains the understanding, that is, the integration and understanding of the cognitive process of information. Listen, is a target of diplomatic action, is to receive and understand the action information, is a kind of the most fundamental diplomatic action. Although from the outside look and listen to the speech diplomacy movement is understand and receive process, as if negative, active receiving process, and essentially, because the hearer cannot free select data to speak, about the content of the speech of language difficulty level, speed and pronunciation and intonation are difficult to grasp. Therefore, listening is not a passive one, it is an automatic and positive thinking process of cognitive processing of information. Listening teaching and escape is to listen to Mr. direct information to the sense of hearing, namely foreign. In listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating the five language skills, listening is very important. But in the past for a long time, whether it is a teacher or teacher, the study and practice of listening. This is one of the reasons for formation of our country students listening extent is not high. To find the impact of the level of hearing Mr. progress our country students listen to prevent Russian is the crux of the problem. This article through the analysis of the affecting me the quintessence of students listen to Russian obstruction, and the obstacles put forward processing strategy in teaching, thus truly progress level of hearing students. This paper is divided into three sections. The first section. In this paper, the actual basic that psychology practical activism of psychological science and cognitive psychology theory and learning to speak in actual schema practical, pragmatic context and speak in two stop talking yardstick for comparison. The second sector and the third sector is the focus of this article. The second sector is discussed from two aspects, and to speak of their own identity affect our country students listen to prevent russian. Speak their own identity, including Russian and Chinese to speak surface structural differences, Russian and Chinese to speak deep structure, Russian and Chinese cultural differences between the three aspects. And speak outside the identity contains Mr. interest, ideas, Mr. common sense structure and the ability to speak three aspects of mr.. The third section, first of all, briefly describes the process of listening, that is, the psychological angle, the angle of mind and the teaching of listening to the three levels of teaching. And then expounds the five eliminated more than hearing hinder the teaching strategy, that is, to arouse the students studying enthusiasm strategy and enhance cross-cultural understanding creating strategy, enhance talk to practice strategies, many kinds of practice method combined strategy and application of effective teaching capital strategy. At the beginning of the full text of the summary.

