摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,俄语论文网站,内容请直接查看目录。) 跟着迷信技巧的迅猛成长,世界列国对于增强科技范畴交换协作的欲望日趋激烈,在引进和接收国外先辈科技结果的进程中,科技篇章的翻译任务显得尤其主要。本文测验考试从术语学与翻译实际相联合的角度动手,经由过程对俄语科技语体的辞汇、语法特色的剖析和对句子及篇章翻译战略的研究,总结出一些在科技语体翻译中的经常使用办法愿望对于进步科技翻译任务者的翻译技能和程度有所赞助。 Abstract: Along with the rapid development of science and technology, the nations of the world on strengthening technology exchange cooperation desire is intense with each passing day, in the introduction and the receive foreign advanced science and technology results in the process, of scientific texts translation task is especially important. The test from the terminology and translation practice angle of the joint hands, through the process of Russian scientific style vocabulary, grammar characteristic analysis and the sentence and text translation strategy research, summed up the some in the translation of scientific and technological style often use desire on progress in science and technology translation task translation skills and degree has sponsored. 目录: 摘要 2 俄语摘要 3-4 一、 俄语科技语体的主要特点 4-10 (一)科技语体的定义 4-5 (二)科技语体的词汇特点 5-8 (三)科技语体的语法特点 8-10 二、 俄语科技语体的术语翻译策略 10-13 (一) 专业术语的翻译措施 10-12 (二)缩略语的翻译措施 12-13 三、 俄语科技语体句子以及篇章的翻译策略 13-19 (一)长句的翻译 13-14 (二)短句的翻译 14-17 (三)篇章的翻译 17-19 参考文献 19-20 附件 20-68 |