
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



This paper intends to research Tuo Dostoevsky transition from the thought of the 19th century, 40 years to 60 years, especially focus on the change of European opinion, trying to through the process of such research to remind Tuo Dostoevsky thought transformation path of thinking. Dostoevsky's late by Belinsky and Peter Rashevsky influence is bigger, the ideological tendency in through the process of European thought to save Russia. Feeling because participated in was sentenced to four years of hard labor Peter Rashevsky group and five years of exile, exactly is in the nearly ten years time, he began thinking long-term pain, starting thinking produced major change. The key consideration is that Russia's future is still learning from Europe back to Russia, is still follow the ancient traditional. His thoughts changed from to sixty in the middle of the year to be completed by the middle of the year. The main important points for the following parts: first chapter exposition Tuo Dostoevsky's later thoughts, and he in prison time of Russian National grassroots contacts and orthodox more deeply familiar, familiar with to real Russian thoughts, thoughts gradually turned to the worship of Russian. This is the beginning of Dostoevsky's thought transformation. In the second chapter, through the winter of summer impression "analysis, through the process of Tuo Si Dostoyevsky to Europe for the first time nearly interval contact, let him see Europe in a capitalist society pursues money criterion and intense individualism, the asset class only money is from the ugly and God taught outrageous. Imagine Europe and the actual in Europe there are great contrast, let Tuo Si Dostoevsky further directly familiar to the European capitalist industrial civilization and Commerce civilization crime, that Russian means less stiff shone moved way in Europe, he thought European capitalist way in Russia basic owe Heng. Direct contact with Europe is Dostoevsky Dostoevsky life and thinking of major issues, and Tuo Si Dostoyevsky thought transformation of the main process. The third chapter discuss the "important notes from the underground" of European fameng perceptual defection. At this time, Dostoevsky Toy Jef J Ki had become a "base camp" writer, decisively standing on the Russian side of local culture. Dostoevsky to European Enlightenment of perceptual present fierce defection, through the process of non inductive elaboration and the historical increase criticism of, Dostoevsky puts forward his own ideas. "Revealed marked Dostoevsky completed the transformation of the thought's notes from the underground".

