摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 十九世纪俄国文学是中国古代文学产生时代的主要作用源之一,它不只作用了早期的古代作家,也深深地作用了三四十年月老舍的思惟与创作。从“五四”新文学活动开端,老舍就遭到了国际俄国文学高潮的潜移默化的安慰,三十年月回国以后,出于时期身分和对俄国文学主体情感上的共识,他开端对俄国文学停止了一次无意识地、周全地思虑。俄国文学的精华不时地渗入渗出到他后来的小说创作中,重要表示在以下几个方面:在文学不雅念上,他果断了“文学为人生”的小说不雅,俄语论文,加深了对文学的特质、功效的懂得;在小说题材上,他捉住了五花八门的街市商人人物的生涯和命运为终生存眷的核心,开辟了古代小说史上的街市商人题材;在人物抽象塑造上,他自创了俄国小说中的庞杂的心思略论,从人物的表面写到心坎,从心坎世界透视全部社会文明和心思;在小说的艺术情势上,俄国文学中表示庞杂心思的艺术技能,精巧的构造艺术和严正的滑稽等,增进了他三四十年月小说艺术的成熟。 Abstract: Russian literature in nineteenth Century is one of the main sources of influence on the generation of Chinese ancient literature, it not only affects the early ancient writers, but also deeply affected the thinking and writing of Lao She in the thirty or forty years. From the beginning of the "May 4th" new literature movement, Lao She was the Russian literary climax of the subtle comfort, 30 years after returning to, for period of identity and of Russian literature, the subjective emotion of consensus, he began to Russian literature stopped a unconsciously, week full thoughtfully. The essence of Russian literature from time to time to penetrate into his later novels, important in the following aspects: in the literature idea, he decisively "literature for life" novels indecent, deepen the understanding of literary characteristic and effect; in the novels, he caught all kinds of. Businessmen character and destiny is the core of lifelong career concern, businessmen opened the history of ancient novel themes; in the characters, he created the analysis of Russian fiction complex thoughts, from the character of the hearts of all surface wrote, perspective of social civilization and thought from the inner world; in the art of fiction the situation, said the complex mind art skills in Russian literature, the ingenious structure of art and solemn antics, enhance his thirty or forty years of artistic maturity. 目录: 第一章 沟通与对话--老舍和十九世纪俄国文学 7-16 一、 俄国文学热潮在中国的兴盛和作用 7-9 二、 老舍与俄国文学的沟通和对话 9-16 第二章 共鸣与渗透--老舍和俄国作家的小说观念 16-23 第三章 转型与开拓--老舍和俄国小说的市井聚焦 23-36 第四章 批判与忏悔--老舍和俄国小说的灵魂透视 36-49 一、 庸俗:中产阶级市民的心理底色 36-41 二、 病态:下层城市贫民的心理畸变 41-45 三、 忏悔:先觉知识分子的心理拯救 45-49 第五章 借鉴与整合--老舍和俄国小说的艺术形式 49-64 一、 老舍和俄国小说的表现技巧 50-56 二、 老舍和俄国小说的结构艺术 56-61 三、 老舍和俄国小说的幽默艺术 61-64 结语 64-68 注释 68-72 主要参考书目 72-73 后记 73 |