摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,俄语论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 驯服中亚,占据印度,将俄国权势扩大至印度洋,这是自彼得年夜帝以来俄国历代统治者的既定目的。时至十九世纪,跟着俄国本钱主义经济的成长,商人和本钱家对扩展商品发卖市场和原料产地的请求一日千里,驯服中亚而且垄断中亚市场的呼声也愈来愈高。克里米亚战斗后,俄国对中亚三汗国睁开了年夜举防御。因为中亚三汗国历久混战不休,相互友好,未能联结分歧对抗俄国的防御。在俄国的武力袭击下,三汗国最初纷纭屈膝投降,接收了俄国的统治。到十九世纪末,俄国完成了对全部中亚的驯服。俄国在中亚地域树立起一整套殖平易近机构,来增强对本地国民的统治。在俄国的经济盘剥、殖平易近抢夺和文明奴役下,俄语论文范文,中亚地域的社会经济成长历久处于落伍状况。 Abstract: Tame in Central Asia, accounting for the Indian, Russian power expanded into the Indian Ocean, which is since Peter Nianye Russian rulers of the intended purpose. Until the nineteenth century, along with the growth of capitalist economy in Russia, businessmen and capital to expand sales markets and sources of raw materials of the request by leaps and bounds, tame in Central Asia and monopoly the voice of the Central Asian market is also getting higher and higher. After the battle of Crimea, Russia on the three Central Asian khanates opened for defense. Because the three Central Asian khanates long scrambling, mutual friendly against Russia's defense failed to link differences. In the Russian military attacks, three Khanate are initially to surrender, receiving the Russian rule. By the end of nineteenth Century, Russia had done all of the central asian. Russia in Central Asia region to establish a set of colonial institutions, to strengthen the local national rule. In slavery under the Russian economy exploits, colonizing snatch and civilization, the Central Asia regional social and economic growth for a long time in the behind. 目录: 绪论 6-8 一 俄国征服中亚的条件渐趋成熟 8-14 (一) 俄国征服中亚战略的确定 8-10 (二) 中亚三汗国的衰落 10-14 二 俄国对中亚三汗国的征服历程 14-29 (一) 征服中亚是俄国资本主义发展的需要 14-17 (二) 俄国征服中亚的前期准备 17-20 (三) 俄国大举进攻三汗国 20-29 三 俄国在中亚的早期统治 29-36 (一) 成立总督区,开展移民 29-31 (二) 没收土地,推广植棉,铺设铁路 31-34 (三) 推广俄语,开办学校 34 (四) 保持宗教近况 34-36 结论 36-38 注释 38-45 参考文献 45-49 中文摘要 49-52 英文摘要 52 后记、致谢 56-57 导师及作者简介 57 |