摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 俄国事一个农人占生齿年夜多半的国度,在如许一个国度停止平易近主反动和社会主义反动,起首要处置好同农人的关系。若何施展农人在反动和扶植中的主要感化,是列宁在分歧时代联合俄国国情和社会理论停止查询拜访研究的焦点成绩。《列宁选集》开篇文章《农人生涯中新的经济更改》写于1893年,时隔三十年,1923年1月列宁又口传了《论协作制》,是以,可以说列宁平生一直都存眷着农人成绩。笔者对列宁存眷俄国农人息争决农人成绩的剖析是牢牢环绕列宁平生的几个主要阶段睁开的。列宁不只引诱农人展开了平易近主反动,祛除了农奴制残存,并且在十月反动成功后,就立刻着手处理农人急切请求的“地盘、战争、面包”等成绩。战时共产主义时代实行了余粮搜集制,俄语论文范文,这一办法伤害了农人的积极性,惹起了农人的不满,终究在1921年变成了卡琅施塔得水兵起义。在如许的情形下,列宁实时调剂了政策,俄语毕业论文,实行了新经济政策,并在暮年口传了《论协作社》一文。本文共分为三个部门第一部门引见了俄国农人成长的汗青和特色和在俄国如许一个农业年夜国看重息争决农人成绩的主要性;第二部门是文章的主体部门,笔者较体系地剖析了列宁平生处理农人成绩的几个主要阶段十月反动前、牟取十月反动的进程中、战时共产主义时代、新经济政策时代和列宁暮年的构思。最初,笔者经由过程对列宁处理俄国农人成绩的思惟过程的摸索,从而对我国改造开放时代邓小平自创列宁思惟对我国停止改造的进程停止了阐述。 Abstract: Russia a farmers accounted for population most of the eve of the country and in such a country to stop democratic revolution and socialist revolution, the main processing relations with the farmers. How cast farmers in the revolution and construction in the main role is to stop Lenin in different ages Russian national conditions and social theory investigation focus of study results. Selected works of Lenin, the article begins with the farmers live in new economic change "was written in 1893, after a lapse of three years, 1923 January Lenin and the oral transmission of" on the coordination system "is to, it can be said that Lenin life always concern with scores of the farmers. The author of Lenin's deposit dependents Russian farmers compete will farmers performance analysis is firmly around Lenin's life several main stages in the open. Lenin not only induce farmers launched a democratic revolution, dispelling the serfdom remnants, and in October after the success of the reactionary, immediately start processing farmers eager requests of "site, war, bread" results. Wartime communist era, the implementation of the surplus grain collection mechanism, this way to hurt the enthusiasm of farmers, cause the farmer discontent, eventually in 1921 became a sailor uprising Lang stary card. In such circumstances, Lenin to adjust the policy, the implementation of the new economic policy, and in the twilight of the oral transmission of "on cooperatives" the. This paper is divided into three sections. The first section introduces the history and characteristics of Russian farmers grow and in Russia such a big agricultural country valued information must achievement of the farmers; Second Department is the main department, the author system analyzes Lenin life processing farmer scores several major phases of October Revolution, seek process of the October revolution, the wartime communist era, the new economic policy era and Lenin Twilight concept. Initially, the author through to Lenin treatment achievement of Russian farmers thought processes of exploration, thus to the era of China's reform and opening-up Deng Xiaoping created Lenin thought to our country stop process of transformation to carry on the elaboration. 目录: 中文摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 引言 7 一、俄国农民问题的由来及列宁对俄国农民问题重要性的认识 7-13 (一) 俄国农民问题的由来 7-9 (二) 列宁对重视农民问题重要性的认识 9-13 二、列宁探究和解决俄国农民问题的历程 13-28 (一) 十月革命前 13-15 (二) 夺取革命的斗争时期 15-16 (三) 战时共产主义时期 16-20 (四) 新经济政策时期 20-23 (五) 合作制—引导千百万小农走向社会主义的桥梁 23-28 三、列宁解决苏俄农民问题的当代价值 28-36 (一) 对邓小平农村改革的作用 28-30 (二) 要尊重农民的首创精神 30-31 (三) 生产关系一定要适应生产力的发展要求 31-36 结语 36-37 注释 37-39 参考文献 39-42 致谢 42 |