摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 斯托雷平地盘改造是产生于19世纪末20世纪初帝俄末期也是最初一次的年夜改造,19世纪末20世纪初的俄国也恰是处于古代化过程的十字路口,即由传统封建主义向古代本钱主义过渡的社会转型期,俄语论文,是以随同社会转型期所发生的各种社会抵触,使其时全部俄国社会都处在摇摇欲坠的动乱中。个中农人地盘成绩一向是处在风尖浪口上,所以处理农人的地盘成绩,也就成了俄国本钱主义成长的一个主要身分。引言部门重要引见了斯托雷平地盘改造的概略、中外学术界的研究结果和本论文的材料组成情形,肯定研究重点和要处理的成绩,引见研究办法。注释重要从三部门阐述斯托雷平的地盘改造:第一部门,重要阐述了斯托雷平地盘改造成绩的由来。起首从其改造配景动手研究,包含斯托雷平小我思惟改造渊源及其时改造的社会配景两个部门,懂得斯托雷平地盘改造配景。第二部门,阐述了斯托雷平地盘改造的详细实行政策。斯托雷平的地盘改造包含实行份地公有制,树立独家农场、自力田庄,在地盘改造的中前期年夜范围的向西伯利亚、远东等地域停止国有地盘移平易近。以此剖析斯托雷平地盘改造内容,懂得地盘改造状态。第三部门,俄语毕业论文,阐述了斯托雷平地盘改造的作用。改造对农人的作用,改造对经济上的作用,改造后农人的临盆生涯状态和临盆力能否获得成长,地盘改造和政治改造上的联系关系和对斯托雷平的地盘改造对俄国农业近代化的作用都停止了一番阐述,一方面斯托雷平的地盘改造增进俄国农业近代化的成长,另外一方面地盘改造也加快了俄国政治反动的过程。结语部门在总结全文的基本上,对斯托雷平的地盘改造发生的作用,及地盘改造对其时俄国社会成长所激发的成绩作了扼要陈说。 Abstract: Stolypin land transformation is produced at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century late tsarist Russia was originally a big transformation. At the end of the 19th century and early 20th century Russian is precisely at the crossroads of the ancient, namely, from the traditional feudalism to the ancient capitalist transition of social transition is accompanied by social transition period of social conflict, the meantime all Russian society are in turmoil on the verge of collapse. Medium farmers site performance has always been the sharp wind and waves in the mouth. So farmers land grades, also became a Russian capitalist development a major factor. The introduction part mainly introduces the compendium of Stolypin's land reform, the research results of Chinese and foreign academic circles and the material composition, sure research priorities and to deal with the results, and introduce the research methods. Notes important from the three sector to elaborate Stolypin's site Transformation: the first sector, it is important to explain the origin of the achievements of the Stolypin site. First from the transformation background hands-on research, contains Stolypin's personal thought transformation of the origin and transformation of the social background of the two departments know Stolypin land reform background. The second department, describes the detailed implementation of the policy of reform, land. Stolypin's land reform contains the implementation of public ownership of land, establish exclusive farm, independent of the Grange in the transformation of the site in the early stage of the eve of the range of Siberia, the Far East and other regions to stop state-owned land of immigrants. In order to analyze, site transformation content, understand the transformation of state territory. The third sector, expounds the influence of the transformation of the site. Influence of reformation of the farmer's, impact of economic transformation, after the transformation of farmer's birth life and productivity can grow, land transformation and transformation of political connections and of Stolypin's land reform impact on modernization of agriculture of Russia stopped a lot of exposition, on the one hand, Stolypin's land reform to promote growth of modernization of agriculture of Russia, another aspects site transformation also accelerated the Russian reactionary political process. Conclusion based on the summary of the full text of the, effects of Stolypin's land reform and land reform achievement of meantime Russian social growth stimulated by made brief Chen said. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 引言 7-12 一、 斯托雷平土地改革的背景 12-21 (一) 斯托雷平土地改革的思想根源 12-17 (二) 斯托雷平土地改革的社会背景 17-21 二、 斯托雷平土地改革的内容 21-31 (一) 土地改革的主要内容 21-26 (二) 土地改革中的移民政策 26-31 三、 斯托雷平土地改餅价 31-44 (一) 土地改革对农民的作用 31-34 (二) 斯托雷平土地改革在经济上的积极意义 34-39 (三) 斯托雷平土地改革在政治上的意义 39-44 结语 44-46 参考文献 46-51 后记 51 |