
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Mutsu munemitsu as main characters in Japanese communication history, he served as foreign minister of the eve of the era in the, a problem of Japan's two of the eve of the communication performance is correction of unyielding contract; the second is the mobilization of the battle on the clear, namely, the Sino Japanese war. Hands in this paper from the Mutsu light in the process of communication in the implementation of the communicative strategy. He discusses in the communication process is play what means to achieve their communicative goals. From the correction of unyielding contract and mobilization of the process of the Sino Japanese War view, Mutsu communication with target of fierce, in order to promote Japan's international position will begin to contract for the correction of unyielding, and the mobilization of China fighting is Mutsu communication the ultimately goal. Mutsu has remained concluded comprehensive equal contract, however, when the situation in the Korean situation of unreal, Mutsu eager desire at this time could be get the support of the European powers, or insist that it is neutral, or in the future is extremely easy to incur combination intervention of the Western powers. So Mutsu is unquestionably resolution abandoned the rights and interests of the Department signed a contract from Japanese to English, to fight for the British combat assault support the mobilization of the. Before the Sino Japanese War, because of the benefits, Mutsu in and the European powers country stop communication negotiation process, according to different country the method also has a certain degree of difference. In basic benefits and Japan have conflict with Russia, Mutsu considering Japan's national strength absolutely powerful, is, to achieve the purpose of the armistice, need to stabilize Russia. In Britain, Mutsu seize the want to use Japan to contain Russia South idea, application of conflict between Britain and Russia, alienated Sino British relations, to buy the British to itself a party. Mutsu is such "yuanjiaojingong", to Europe and the United States special is the Anglo Russian nation, the implementation of buying, deception, the relationship between China and Britain in and drive a wedge between, eventually completed the armistice. China and North Korea, the invasion of the naked.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   引言   7-12   一、陆奥宗光的人生历程   12-16       (一) 早年时代的颠簸流离   12-13       (二) 青年时代的仕途之路   13-15       (三) 活跃的外交时期   15-16   二、陆奥宗光与修改不平等条约   16-23       (一) 陆奥宗光在修约过程中坚持的三点准则   16-19           1、实行国别谈判—先英国后其他国家   16           2、缔结“全面”对等条约   16-18           3、控制国内舆论   18-19       (二) 为修约施展的外交策略   19-23           1、正式修约前日葡间的修约交涉   19-20           2、正式修约过程中的外交策略   20-23   三、陆奥宗光与甲午中日战争   23-32       (一) 实行开战外交   23-27           1、从“六·二出兵”看陆奥外交   23-25           2、从朝鲜内政改革看陆奥外交   25-27       (二) 为开战施展的外交策略   27-32           1、开战前陆奥与欧美各国之间的外交交涉   27-29           2、处理内部关系   29-32   四、陆奥宗光的外交策略及其作用   32-37       (一) 陆奥宗光的外交策略   32-33       (二) 陆奥宗光的外交评价   33-34       (三) 陆奥宗光的外交策略作用   34-37   结论   37-38   参考文献   38-40   后记   40  
