
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Because of the special geographical and historical and cultural identity, vodka has always occupied an important position in the Russian community, but also led to the public since sixteenth Century, the public's achievements, it is difficult to deal with. Nicholas II era, because alcoholism has a lot of social ills, Russia summoned a consciousness of anti alcohol activities, by the upper class elite proposal, important for alcohol absolute extensive plain bottom of a public and military government, religious and other agencies will elite involved in rapid succession. Authorities set up to monitor public awakening will advocate plain nearly all drink to excess, while ensuring that the wine by the state monopoly of the hair to sell for tax is not affected; military in order to ensure efficient fighting launch and expansion of the combat ability, slowly get rid of the traditional vodka rationing rail system; in each domain, contains a prominent place, Orthodox priest, doctor and other groups, including the social elite diverse constitute the different levels of temperance society, mobilize all strength urged people to stay awake and. After all, in the first World War by the tsar, on August 1914 announced the sale of alcohol in wartime ban. From the aspects of policy, 1914 ban Jiuling published means anti alcohol activities to get the victory in the stage, but for large Russian citizens, drinking unabated trickle down, always as a social malady continues to this day. It is important to note is that in the process of anti alcohol activities, interventional medium of various social groups, promote abstinence outside, also will be the power demands into medium, after all, temperance themes instead buried in the common national understanding consciousness and social power demands, and later the two in imperceptible to promote the growth of Russian society.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   绪论   9-13       一.选题意义   9       二.探讨近况   9-11       三.探讨措施与本文结构   11-13   第一章 俄国酗酒问题的历史渊源   13-22       一.伏特加:俄罗斯民族的“生命之水”   13-19       二.尼古拉二世时期的民众饮酒概况   19-22   第二章 政府的反酗酒导向   22-34       一.国家公共清醒监督会的设立   22-24       二.城市公共监督会的活动   24-30       三.公共清醒监督会的成效   30-34   第三章 军队的反酗酒举措   34-47       一.日俄战争以前的军队反酗酒讨论   34-38       二.日俄战争失败带来的酗酒反思   38-41       三.1914 年禁酒令的出台及成效   41-47   第四章 东正教会的反酗酒策略   47-61       一.神职人员的酗酒问题   47-49       二.教士禁酒协会   49-54       三.东正教会的反酗酒努力   54-61   第五章 俄国民众的反酗酒总动员   61-77       一.文学界与反酗酒运动:以托尔斯泰为例   61-65       二.医疗界与反酗酒运动   65-71       三.民众的反酗酒活动   71-77   结语   77-80   参考文献   80-84   致谢   84-85   作者简介   85  
