
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The Qing Ji Korean customs for intermediate, a brief introduction to Korean customs, growth, death's history reminded between Qing government and the powers in order to fight for control of the Korean Peninsula, surrounded by Korean customs of the violent master and anti grasp movement. The full text is divided into five sectors: the media, the Korean customs of the Qing Dynasty, the results of a brief history of the academic thinking back. The first chapter, the analysis of sixty or seventy years of the nineteenth century North Korea's home and abroad circumstances, on Application of Japanese kanghwa contract "unyielding contract on North Korea to stop massive economic invasion, political and cultural infiltration. The Qing authorities familiar to North Korea to China's major, in order to avoid Japan and Russia to master Korea to lure North Korea to the oriental nations open frontier, Li Hongzhang sponsored by the Korean established customs. The second chapter, introduce mu Linde in undertaking the task of Korean General Customs Commissioner era to solve the customs business and diplomatic communication affairs, on mu Linde due to secretly entice the country to invest in Russia and the stage, and by ink Yin and took over the division of the Korean customs administration of Taxation and the general situation and analysis the Qing authorities strengthen the DPRK suzerainty all kinds of measures. Chapter three, came to power after the introduction of Mu Linde North Korea customs growth and Korean customs of all kinds of business, and after the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 by China Customs officers guide, governance of Korean customs persist, and eventually death case. Conclusion, through the process of Korean customs, growth, the demise of the history of the exposition, draws the conclusion: the Qing authorities through master Korean customs reached the goal of strengthening the DPRK suzerainty; herd master Korean customs through process, effective resistance Russia, Japan, the United States and the kingdom of the potential power expansion of fresh, protect the British ruling fresh benefits. After the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, China Customs staff to guide, governance of Korean customs application of powers between the conflict could exist for a long time. Qing authorities are faced with the powers of the powers of the fierce competition, the approach adopted, of course, to obtain a certain effect, but it is doomed to be in vain, North Korea was the invasion of the great powers to prevent the.


前言   4-5   第一章 朝鲜的对外开放和朝鲜海关的设立   5-17       第一节 十九世纪六七十年代的朝鲜与中朝宗藩关系   5-6       第二节 西方殖民主者对朝鲜的侵略   6-8       第三节 《江华条约》的缔结和日本对朝鲜的侵略渗透   8-11       第四节 清政府引导朝鲜对外开放   11-14       第五节 朝鲜海关的设立   14-17   第二章 穆麟德时代的朝鲜海关   17-27       第一节 穆麟德设立朝鲜海关   17-18       第二节 穆麟德积极参与朝鲜的内政外交事务   18-19       第三节 穆麟德的下台   19-22       第四节 墨贤理接管朝鲜海关   22-23       第五节 清政府强化对朝鲜的宗主权   23-27   第三章 穆麟德之后的朝鲜海关   27-43       第一节 墨贤理时代的朝鲜海关   27-29       第二节 墨贤理时代之后的朝鲜海关   29-30       第三节 赫德“朝中海关联合”计划的失败   30-32       第四节 平壤开港问题   32-34       第五节 朝鲜海关的关税收入   34-37       第六节 朝鲜海关与借款   37-40       第七节 甲午战后的朝鲜海关   40-43   结语   43-45   参考文献   45-46  
