
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



In 1898, along with the construction of the Middle East Railway, Harbin from the village collective quickly grow into the ancient city. The Middle East Railway separates the city from the "railway slave" and the "Binjiang" of the Chinese. Nangang city as a "Middle East Railway in Harbin," the administrative center of the district and was born. In the expansion of the external force to promote, Nangang to make people stare target speed, high quality completion of basic construction of urban road traffic, water and electricity projects. City founded, through the process of Russian carefully planning and positioning the effects, change the original appearance of Nangang, a set of trade, administrative, career in one of the many effects of the ancient city. Nangang is the national important foothold in overseas countries of Harbin, city of Hua Yang coexistence. Domestic people have brought new things, such as the new trend of public health, the diversification of trade and entertainment, parks, electric cars and other new things, but did not forget to extend its benefits in China, the violation of the rights of the Chinese should belong to. In the bright surface of the city, the Chinese and foreigners career has great gap. After the October Revolution, China intends to send out the Middle East Railway and the sovereignty, but the Tsarist residual power unwilling to let go, day oneself want to Chengxi get more benefits. Nangang city after a different class, the regime's operational management and planning, rich and complex coexistence, is to know the history of the city of Harbin window. Nangang city built all kinds of colorful gathered, is built art gallery. Fanatical religious movements, diverse forms of cultural and cultural movement, through the history of precipitation, and gradually into the ordinary life of Harbin people. As the middle area of the city, Nangang is a typical area of the study of the history of Harbin city. The study of the growth history of Nangang City, the Harbin city history, from another perspective, the process of urbanization in Harbin.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   绪论   8-17       一、选题缘由   8-10           (一) 学术背景   8-9           (二) 探讨意义   9-10       二、探讨近况述评   10-13           (一) 城市史探讨   11-13           (二) 城区史探讨   13       三、主要内容与相关问题界定   13-15           (一) 探讨的主要内容   13-14           (二) 探讨措施与相关问题界定   14-15       注释   15-17   第一章 南岗城区的发展沿革   17-30       一、城区形成前的南岗   17-19       二、俄国人规划的繁华城区   19-23       三、政局多变下的城区   23-26       四、日伪统治下的军事化城区   26-28       注释   28-30   第二章 现代化城区建设   30-39       一、道路交通的现代化   30-32       二、水、电工程日益完善   32-34       三、公共卫生管理与宣传   34       四、园林绿化   34-35       五、地亩处的土地房产经营   35-38       注释   38-39   第三章 人口与商业的多元化   39-47       一、国际移民的聚居地   39-41       二、商业的曲折发展   41-42       三、华洋人的隔膜   42-43       四、风格各异的城区建筑   43-46       注释   46-47   第四章 中外文化碰撞与交融   47-53       一、西式教育的输入   47-48       二、狂热的宗教活动   48-49       三、社会生活的西化   49-51       四、丰富多彩的文体娱乐活动   51-52       注释   52-53   结论   53-54   参考文献   54-57   攻读学位期间所的学术论文   57-59   致谢   59  
